Do you need all the nutrients?

Why would it? They should have everything the plant needs. If they don't then don't buy that brand. General Hydroponics Flora series is a 3 part nutrient and people have been using that for decades without any extras. All the "extras" only showed up because it's easy to convince some stoner to buy another bottle of something.

No other plant has fancy nutrient "Lines" with a dozen plus bottles that you need a 2 page feeding chart to use. It's only in the cannabis growing world. Some slick marketing, amazing claims, magic in a bottle, etc... No group but a bunch of stoners would fall for all the nonsense.

Those fancy packs with starter this finish that and a dozen bottles in between might look cool with the shiny labels and cool names but the plant doesn't give a damn about all that.

I suggest you spend a little time researching basic plant nutrition so you understand what a plant needs and why.
To be honest, I ask as I have been watching the Cannacribs episodes and they all seem to use the whole nutrient lines on it!
To be honest, I ask as I have been watching the Cannacribs episodes and they all seem to use the whole nutrient lines on it!

I don't know what cannacribs is. It wasn't around when I grew my first plant from seed around 50 years ago. It was a radish. Since then I've grown hundreds of different plant species including cannabis for over 40 years. I've never once in all that time ever needed any fancy collection of different bottles to grow extremely successfully.

I'm not the only one either.
i got a free sample of their first version and i wasn't impressed. they have changed the formula a few times since then
I should point out that it's their 2 part which I was referring to. I was also not too terribly impressed with the version-1. As BK wrote, it was very messy and sludgy.
i got a free sample of their first version and i wasn't impressed. they have changed the formula a few times since then
I bought a new bag of the 2 part, part A 3 weeks ago. The ratios and stages have changed!

The previous version had 3 stages with veg 1.5g/2.5g, late veg early bloom 2.5g/2.5, full bloom budding 4.2g/1.8g.

New is 2 stages with veg 2g/2g A/B, bloom 3.9g/3.2g per gallon.

Feeding the new to a vegging clone that wasn't happy... the new growth has looked better. Only a week in so we'll see.

I've been using MC since it's first days on the forum.
Botanicare Pure Blend Pro is a single bottle and grows beautiful plants. Doesn't get much easier than that. I like the GH Flora series too but get the same results with Botanicare with much less fuss.
So will it not leave me with deficiency’s if I only use the base nutes?

Your plants will tell you and you can add accordingly. I’m using mega crop in veg and my plants are turning lime green, so I compensate by adding calcium nitrate for more N.
Botanicare Pure Blend Pro is a single bottle and grows beautiful plants. Doesn't get much easier than that. I like the GH Flora series too but get the same results with Botanicare with much less fuss.
I found that it grew healthy and beautiful plants but I had some burn issues with it. I admit that it could have been strain-related because the plants were first time testers. But it gave me some fear of using it again. Lush growth though to be sure.