Do you need all the nutrients?

A couple of my favorite minimalist nutrient product lines would be the Bio Canna 4-Part for or General Hydroponics 3-part. You could always go water-only living soil approach too. In that case, I love KIS brand soil with biochar. There are a handful of 1-part fertilizer programs, but I personally haven't used one that competes with the control you get with a 3-part. With all that said... I think brands that push a big product line are a waste of money. But, most liquid fertilizer programs will require at least 2 parts if not 3.
you can go with no nutrients if you have good dirt.
but i would reccomend some basic nutes and mycos as a minumum in my opinion.
I like the flora trio that seems like a tried and true classic, but when you look at the bigger brands like advanced nutrients & Athena they all have 5/6 different products on the feed charts!
It really depends on what nutrients, what medium you're using, the rest of your grow conditions. . ..

I think of the additives as like car mods; do I reeeeallly need stiffer motor mounts?? --no, but I like the way it makes the car feel. Do I need a short ram intake? --no, but again I like the way the car responds with it. It's really just personal preference, and, if used correctly, sure you might see some marginal improvement somewhere, but, not necessarily.
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Also I do coco and rock wool so no nutes isn’t an option
when growing hydro you will have to give the plant all the macro and micro nutrients soo you will have to go with hydroponic specific nutes. for hydro you do need all the "extra"
It really depends on what nutrients, what medium you're using, the rest of your grow conditions. . ..

I think of the additives as like car mods; do I reeeeallly need stiffer motor mounts?? --no, but I like the way it makes the car feel. Do I need a shirt ram intake? --no, but again I like the way the car responds with it. It's really just personal preference, and, if used correctly, sure you might see some marginal improvement somewhere, but, not necessarily.
Most are about as effective as a spoiler on a civic
So will it not leave me with deficiency’s if I only use the base nutes?

Why would it? They should have everything the plant needs. If they don't then don't buy that brand. General Hydroponics Flora series is a 3 part nutrient and people have been using that for decades without any extras. All the "extras" only showed up because it's easy to convince some stoner to buy another bottle of something.

No other plant has fancy nutrient "Lines" with a dozen plus bottles that you need a 2 page feeding chart to use. It's only in the cannabis growing world. Some slick marketing, amazing claims, magic in a bottle, etc... No group but a bunch of stoners would fall for all the nonsense.

Those fancy packs with starter this finish that and a dozen bottles in between might look cool with the shiny labels and cool names but the plant doesn't give a damn about all that.

I suggest you spend a little time researching basic plant nutrition so you understand what a plant needs and why.
Why would it? They should have everything the plant needs. If they don't then don't buy that brand. General Hydroponics Flora series is a 3 part nutrient and people have been using that for decades without any extras. All the "extras" only showed up because it's easy to convince some stoner to buy another bottle of something.

No other plant has fancy nutrient "Lines" with a dozen plus bottles that you need a 2 page feeding chart to use. It's only in the cannabis growing world. Some slick marketing, amazing claims, magic in a bottle, etc... No group but a bunch of stoners would fall for all the nonsense.

Those fancy packs with starter this finish that and a dozen bottles in between might look cool with the shiny labels and cool names but the plant doesn't give a damn about all that.

I suggest you spend a little time researching basic plant nutrition so you understand what a plant needs and why.
Those 10-part programs make all your weed taste the same too ***cough cough*** advanced nutrients ***cough cough***