do you like to smoke alone or with friends?


Active Member
To be honest, id rather toke on my own, but theres a few people I love to smoke with. Girlfriend, sister, cousin, uncle. Man, my family are fucking awesome to blaze with, id rather get high with them than my friends...


Well-Known Member
I much prefer to smoke with other people. Its a social thing for me. I've gone so far as to drive 30 minutes to a friends house to have a smoke buddy. I guess I'm just wierd that way. :)


Well-Known Member
For me definitely with other people, just kinda takes the fun away if your high by yourself. Just seems like something thats supposed to be done with other people lol.


Active Member
I do both

when i'm all alone i'll blaze

my homies all meet up over at my house for wake and bakes or just to smoke


Well-Known Member
It all depends, i like to smoke with my friends, but if im playing video games like Call oF Duty, i love to rip my bong and play


Well-Known Member
smoking is like eating. sometimes i eat alone, sometimes i sit down with friends. when eating with friends sometimes we share food other times we each have our own. but above all i always eat when i am hungry.


Well-Known Member
I have to say lighting up with friends is great and ensures something interesting will ALWAYS happen....

but I really do like to smoke alone as well. Peace and quiet is good for everyone now and then.


Active Member
the less people the better. i like to smoke alone. but theres something nice about smoking with one person, you dont have to share your weed to much, and you're not alone....5 or more people is a major no no
i like gettin one or two other people to pitch in get atleast 8 grams and just keep loading and loading till were out, i like to laugh so i prefer company