Do you like to experiment -and how did it go ?

So, I have an experiment I'd like some help with. I am very interested to see if grafting a fine, high THC strain onto ropedope roots will produce a monster, high quality bud machine. Pome fruits, apple, pear, rose etc. use different root stocks to control their size, I wonder if the vigor of ropedope can be transferred to an indica plant. I just got some Mexican weed with seeds, but maybe somebody in Colo or Wa with access to hemp seeds would be down to try it out.
im doing an experimental grow right now, id like to make a journal so people can follow and give advice but i cant seem to figure out how to make one. how do you start one?
click a section in the forum (IE advanded growing) to the top left there should be an icon that says "create new thread"
I've been experimenting with adding air to coco/compost mix in pots and had good results depending on the strain. The drip tray under the pots acts as a reservoir and is where the air bubbles are added. I wonder if putting the air directly under the roots inside the pot would be better, but for now I am only bubbling in the drip trays b/c the bubbles seem to collect and flow into the six drainage cutouts at the bottom of the pots and the nice results have kept me from making any changes.

The goods are: smaller pots with less to mix (i use mycorrhizae) and accelerated vegging. Its also easy to adjust the nutes because if you back off the water the medium can dry out in one photoperiod (with enough coir in the mix). With a big enough drip tray its like modified DWC without the requirement of D(deep).
Drawbacks: Plants seem to stretch more in early flower and branches don't seem to have as much turgor as normal, so training and tying becomes essential. If you don't let the drip trays dry out completely every few days you will start to get some mildew growing in them. Hasn't necessarily improved yield but it has increased it. The massive stretch caught me by surprise and in the future I will start topping and thinning earlier to reduce the bud sites and depth for future crops. Lots o' popcorn on first couple attempts, but currently working out a bit better by topping and stripping the bottoms.

The quality of the bud is excellent and overwatering has yet to be an issue.

anyone else going down this path?
I have done a few little things.. The main one i have
Done was after taking a cutting and the roots have took
Well i tried the clone.. A friend and i both were growing
At the same time and had extra clones to play with..
So we figured ppl stick nails or wood etc into the stem so
We figured why not try to do the samething but without
Cutting the plant etc it was not easy to tie into a not at
All but its grow fine like it was never done and the stem
Grow into its self.. Just like how trees grow into fences etc
... It did seem to produce a tad bit more resin and we assume
It was from the little bit of stress but we arent sure of courae
But it was cool to see ... Idk if you fully understand what
Im saying bc im high and dead tired bc ive been up for two
Days lol but i can post a photo and that would explain
It more easier then i could.. If you would like a photo
Just say so and i will dig it out of my pictures on my phone
Or comp or cam etc lol
And also check out my grow i just started in my
Signature... Its been a little bit since i have grow
Anything bc of reasons lol.. But comments info etc
Would be welcome... Pkus i havent done a full
Grow on RIU.. I started on but never finish bc i became
Busy but i like RIU and the ppl and the sharing of info. :-D
Experimented with UVB... Now use it all the time for flowering.:weed: Also tried gravity, bushmaster and snow storm. They work but concerned about human effects so stopped. I like genetics now.
Experimented with UVB... Now use it all the time for flowering.:weed: Also tried gravity, bushmaster and snow storm. They work but concerned about human effects so stopped. I like genetics now.
instead try natural enzymes and hormones. extract them using h202 as solvent.. a good choice is alphalpha.

i use uvb too, and genetics are defiantly the answer to potency and how they react to the uvb.
So, I have an experiment I'd like some help with. I am very interested to see if grafting a fine, high THC strain onto ropedope roots will produce a monster, high quality bud machine. Pome fruits, apple, pear, rose etc. use different root stocks to control their size, I wonder if the vigor of ropedope can be transferred to an indica plant. I just got some Mexican weed with seeds, but maybe somebody in Colo or Wa with access to hemp seeds would be down to try it out.

There is a graft thread I saw in which I posed this exact question. There should be no reason that this wouldn't work. Using hemp would be a start, but really, there should be research into disease resistant genotypes. Disease isn't a big issue with indoor growers, they change medium and clean grow areas (hopefully) between grows, but outdoor folks could very well benefit from it. Ironically, those well developed industries like apple production also have well developed diseases. MJ production has been so suppressed that disease hasn't had the chance to develop, but I can assure you that as the industry develops with legal change, so we will see disease become a bigger issue. The person who develops rootstock first will reap the benefits.
I experimented with mac nd cheese burgers. Was watching man vs food and saw these burgers filled with molten cheese, looked fireee. So i tried the same thing with mac nd cheese, well mac nd cheese turns rubbery and almost hard inside of a burger, didn't work, don't try it.
what I've been wondering about last couple days is this...OK this is gonna be rambling and grammatically incorrect lol, but anyhow....seems like the consensus is that trichome production is the plants "sunscreen" (I always thought it was more to do with creating more scent to attract more pollenating insects but what do I know) and there have been plenty of photos and posts around the webs of buds that've been grown with extra uvb lighting that are literally covered in, following the same logic that stressing plants too much will bring forth "hidden" or "sleeping" hermie traits both in the stressed plant and their it possible to gradually increase the level of trichome production in future generations of plants by growing with uvb light from seed, breeding that to another plant that's been grown with extra uvb light, rinse/repeat? I will eventually be getting some Cali lightworks 800 watt lights with the uvb "mode" (eventually being when I am no longer broke which wont be soon) and was thinking 12/12 from seed, if this idea worked, could have some pretty crazy stuff going on by the time the 5th/6th generation got going...sorry if theres already an answer to this or w/e, any thoughts?
Experimented with UVB... Now use it all the time for flowering.:weed: Also tried gravity, bushmaster and snow storm. They work but concerned about human effects so stopped. I like genetics now.
how many watt uvb bulb did you use and what effects did you notice? I ve read it increases trich production,did you notice a big difference?? thanks
Do you have that curious mind like me and many others? Every wounder what if ....and did it?
I know sometimes you just have to find out for yourself. lol
It would be cool to see if others have done the same thing. Its not a right or dip shit thing. more HOW DID IT GO?

Stressing the plant to see if more resign developed...since resign is the security of the plant
maybe adding UVB at certain times to help
Flushing or NOT flushing.... and the time difference it might take to cure dense buds,,,indica,,,sativa
Soil with air stones or air bubblers
different amounts of food at different times with different strains
Grafting anything to anything
The list goes on.

:weed: Hope to hear some wild test and how they went.
iv just super cropped 16 mainlined colas 1week before 12/12 :)

they look nice man ... No probs
I've done so many experiments would take hours to detail em LOL

IME, UV increases potency
Deep blue grows more trics
Sulfur feeds the trics

those 3 things create fire in any plant pretty much

Best UV bulb is ATI True Actinic (T5HO 54 watt), best deep blue is ATI Coral Plus
I posted an experiment to the best of my ability and did receive positive feedback but also received a fair amount of criticism and abuse.

Even if you keep your experiment as unbiased as possible, be prepared to be chastised by those who are strong believers of one side or the other.

No matter what the final results or conclusion drawn from your experiment should be, there will be those that will rebuke the outcome and may inflict personal attacks upon you to discredit your trial