Do you like this setup?

If it was my shed and i had any money i would do up 100 plants if i was looking to make some cash anyway.
I would clear everything else out of there,hang 4 x 600 watt hps dual spectrum lamps and 7 x 5`100watt cool blue fluro tubes and 4 5`UVB tubes.

I would 24/0 them for 4 weeks minimum and use 50 sativa seeds and 50 indica seeds bear in mind that the indicas would finish in 6-8 weeks and the sativas in 10-12 weeks so when the indicas are done and gone you can put the sativas into the best lit positions and put them into large plastic containers i.e. kids toys boxes.

If you make sure they are slightly pot bound before you do this they should still have nice tight colas but it will improve their size and yield
12 weeks of 12/12.

As the stuff grows weed out the males put the best plants directly under the 600 watters,worst ones on the outside edges of the shed.
I would grow in soil.

If your lucky you'd end up with 50 healthy female plants with at least 12 directly under the four 600 watters and all the rest lesser plants residing around the edges.

Anyway this is all just a fantasy to me i have no cash and land to put any shed on lol.
But heres a pic of my idea for lighting:blsmoke:

Hmmmm. Very nice indeed. Maybe one day I'll turn it into a super shed! Heck yea. Peace
I think the metallic film you guys are thinking of is called C35 or something similar - have a Google. They use it in Holland and the UK, it reflects infra red so the pork-choppers can't see ya