Do you like different seasons?

Not too long ago I would have said I loved all the seasons equally, but after a couple Boston winters I'm not so sure.. the picturesque, quiet, snowy landscape has been replaced by angry hoodrats and mounds of black slush... also I sold my car and walking through a snowy city is no fun! I'm sure once I'm out of this place my love for winter will return :)
We don't have seasons in the UK, its the same all year round RAIN! but when it does snow which is not very often I love it, so I will opt for winter. :clap:
Midwest winters are fucking terrible... I get tired of looking at the same ass snow on the ground for weeks and weeks
I wish it was just winter all the time honestly. I can't stand the heat...I grew up in Vermont with my grandparents a lot of the time and associate most of my blissful youth moments with the freezing cold weather. One of my first memories was walking across a frozen lake with my family and the tears freezing against my cheek with the wind. I wanna live somewhere with seasons because even I would need a break from the deep freeze, but preferably somewhere the temperature doesn't get above 60 degrees in the "summer"