Do you know what "they" are doing with cannabis genetics with the intent to patent it

As a card-carrying member of the U.S. Patent Office, I don't know how the government can say marijuana has NO medical benefits BUT issue a patent for medical uses to a company. Also, the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services holds patents for medical marijuana - as if they had done the fucking research themselves. They do that shit but put people in prison for using it.

THANK YOU .......Now we are making progress with this thread....isn't that IRONIC.....Why would a patent be issued if the plant is useless??????? In fact....if anyone looks into it...I think you will find out that Patents were issued almost two years ago.....
ok, so maybe the gov't does not want to change cannabis in class because an herb cannot be patented.

They are just buying time......pretty soon the plan will be rolled out like a red carpet. There is NO way in hell that the GOV can reveal the plan until it makes sure that it has secured its position in the Game and all the players are in place. There is just to much money involved.
And m0n$ant0 is trying to patent genetics in a general sense. I swear if they start having patents issued for those I'm going to start filing for design patents on colors and musical notes.
Share the recipe with the community!!!! You cant beat just adding water.....if thats the case....I assume that the need for adjusting the PH levels in the water has been taken care of with your recipe?? So its just strictly adjusting ph levels??

my method is all organic. worm castings and eggshels for veg, and gaia gresn power bloom and extra bat shittys. and ocasionally bunny turts, but not always. i only feed once in veg and once in flower. other than that, i use filtered water. ajust ph with vinegar. lemon or lime cinvmcentrate works as well.

and i use root fungus.

my ash of my product is bone white. when people smoke it, they know its organic. it burns so clean, and so completly, the ash it the finest dusty ash ive ebmver seen of a joint. before growing it myself, i had never seed ash so white. its one of those things you need to see to believe.

i highly recomend bat shittys over chemmies. your yield explodes, and you will have the cleanest weed. i hardly ever cough or get red eyed of my organic shit. and theres no better feeling getting buzzed out on super clean herb.

i highly recomend gaia green products, especially the 10 k bags. cant go wrong for 60$
As a card-carrying member of the U.S. Patent Office, I don't know how the government can say marijuana has NO medical benefits BUT issue a patent for medical uses to a company. Also, the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services holds patents for medical marijuana - as if they had done the fucking research themselves. They do that shit but put people in prison for using it.
And they issue federal cannabis to four people, I read it was as high as 15 in years past. Bish admin destroyed most of the paperwork in the mid 2000's.
"terminator" seed technology does not exterminate a plant species. it prevents those plants with the gene from producing viable seeds.

"terminator" seeds dont destroy the other non-gm crops around them any more than copy protection on a Jethro Tull CD destroys your guitar and breaks your fingers "just to be sure" that you dont try and form a cover band.

specific GM crop genetic alterations can be patented, but this does not give the patent holder rights over the entire species.

Apparently you haven't done your research on gmo, or you work for "them" lol

Terminator seeds could potentially destroy the whole cannabis species if the sterile allele is dominant because cross pollination between gmo and non gmo does happen. And when cross pollination between a patent and a non gmo plant occurs, then the patent holder owns the new pollinated crop.

My issue is the health risk and side effects that could be associated with gmo cannabis depending on how they alter the DNA
And m0n$ant0 is trying to patent genetics in a general sense. I swear if they start having patents issued for those I'm going to start filing for design patents on colors and musical notes.

you might be surprised to learn how many colors and musical notes are already patented......

remember the big Microsoft monopoly scare a decade or so ago...... Microsoft was tiny and insignificant compared to monsanto and big pharmaceutical. They are what we need to break.... and we need to break it quickly.

I'm willing to bet there are plenty of people who can find benefits to making these developments without requiring the feds to sell the rights of their citizens. and if they can't..... well i still value my rights more than their advancements ..... we have lived 1000's of years without the things that are going to come out tomorrow and the things that came out recently.
you might be surprised to learn how many colors and musical notes are already patented......

remember the big Microsoft monopoly scare a decade or so ago...... Microsoft was tiny and insignificant compared to monsanto and big pharmaceutical. They are what we need to break.... and we need to break it quickly.

I'm willing to bet there are plenty of people who can find benefits to making these developments without requiring the feds to sell the rights of their citizens. and if they can't..... well i still value my rights more than their advancements ..... we have lived 1000's of years without the things that are going to come out tomorrow and the things that came out recently.

I know one dam thing for sure....I'm going to make sure that I can take care of my own needs without having to be at the mercy of one of these GREEDY bastard Pharma compainies....Fuck them and thier noise.... this link is legitimate and no virus or bs or whatever. It's really time we start to protect our Mother. Monsanto's got to go but how? I've always thought it would take some really freak accidental exposure by wikileaks or some aweful or scandalous something that would destroy them. It's time for revolution and it's the world's health versus this company! But when governments, really powerful governments, back them, what can any one do...or millions? if we demanded our soy and corn farmers to plant organics, if we all demanded organics, the farmer would give us organics and the price would be driven down. Monsanto does not want organics or heirloom. Monsanto does not even to want you to have a garden at all. But we eat for convenience and that is most important above all and so no sacrifice will be made. It will take big legistation and a lot of pressure and even more money that all of that to change our governments mind about this. Our numbers are too great; too many of us will ignore this, never know this, not care about this, and Monsanto products will be consumed! eat raw, cook fresh, buy frozed vegetables not canned. cook. cook. no soft drinks, no boxed foods, no frozen dinners, forget the cereal bars, the chips, all Monsanto chemical food! soap box!
All the "retiring" execs from monshitto go to work at the FDA and the lawyers go to work for the federal government. Supreme justice Clarence Thomas is a former CEO of Monshitto and he's not the only one; they fucking government is full of them.
All the "retiring" execs from monshitto go to work at the FDA and the lawyers go to work for the federal government. Supreme justice Clarence Thomas is a former CEO of Monshitto and he's not the only one; they fucking government is full of them.
OMG I did not know that! ug $$$$$ talks and that's all they care about.
And they issue federal cannabis to four people, I read it was as high as 15 in years past. Bish admin destroyed most of the paperwork in the mid 2000's.

Actually it's 8, and their is a Federal pot farm in Mississippi that they are allowed to grow all the weed they want to make anti pot video's and shit but when they requested to do medical test's the govt denied over and over again.

Give Lynching Charlie Lynch a watch if you haven't :D
cross pollination?

cross pollination of what? what domestic species can be cross pollinated with a wild counterpart?

your vague and uneasy fears about the horrors of corporations being all corportationey in their corporation buildings with their corporation profits are meaningless.

with very very few exceptions, domesticated plants do NOT have a native analog with which to exchange pollen, and even the very very very few wild plants that COULD exchange pollen with the very rare domestic plants which MIGHT have terminator genetics, the resulting pollinated seed would not necessarily be sterile, since as anyone who has taken 8th grade biology knows, the chances of any particular dominant trait appearing in the offspring if BOTH parents carry the gene is about 90%, if only one carries the gene, 50% or less, and since the gene in question causes a seed to be sterile, it would breed out very rapidly. and this assumes that the terminator gene would be a dominant trait, which is dubious, since the technology is still not ready for market.

simply muttering "Cross Pollination" as if it were some magical talisman to instill terror only shows your ignorance of the processes involved. this link is legitimate and no virus or bs or whatever. It's really time we start to protect our Mother. Monsanto's got to go but how? I've always thought it would take some really freak accidental exposure by wikileaks or some aweful or scandalous something that would destroy them. It's time for revolution and it's the world's health versus this company! But when governments, really powerful governments, back them, what can any one do...or millions? if we demanded our soy and corn farmers to plant organics, if we all demanded organics, the farmer would give us organics and the price would be driven down. Monsanto does not want organics or heirloom. Monsanto does not even to want you to have a garden at all. But we eat for convenience and that is most important above all and so no sacrifice will be made. It will take big legistation and a lot of pressure and even more money that all of that to change our governments mind about this. Our numbers are too great; too many of us will ignore this, never know this, not care about this, and Monsanto products will be consumed! eat raw, cook fresh, buy frozed vegetables not canned. cook. cook. no soft drinks, no boxed foods, no frozen dinners, forget the cereal bars, the chips, all Monsanto chemical food! soap box!

unreasoning fear.

thats one way to get your agenda through i guess.
Apparently you haven't done your research on gmo, or you work for "them" lol

Terminator seeds could potentially destroy the whole cannabis species if the sterile allele is dominant because cross pollination between gmo and non gmo does happen. And when cross pollination between a patent and a non gmo plant occurs, then the patent holder owns the new pollinated crop.

My issue is the health risk and side effects that could be associated with gmo cannabis depending on how they alter the DNA

100% bullshit.

even among dominant traits expression is not 100% even several generations down the line with multiple re-crosses.

even when you get down to the 5th generation recrossing for a desired dominant trait theres still throwbacks, and sterility is NOT a survival trait, every seed that doesnt come up sterile will have failed to express the sterility gene and will be a cannabis seed like any other, further, "terminator" seeds are NOT FUNCTIONAL, they are NOT ready for release, and they are still merely experimental.

even more to the point, the putative, entirely hypothetical "terminator dope pollen" would not kill your seeds from seed banks, nor would it destroy your dope from plants which were pollinated, nor would it harm plants propagated by cuttings, all that it would do, even if the dea snuck into your grow and pollinated all your dope, is give you seedy dope, with seeds that wont sprout.

claiming i "havent done my research" and intimating that i work for "them" is more retarded eco-loon gabbbling.

you clowns can feel free to believe anything you want, but spreading false information and mindless fear is just cowardly.

you can hide under your beds and whimper in the dark, or throw your stupid marches, but the FACTS dont change because you believe stupid shit, it just makes you look like fools, and makes anyone who has serious questions about genetic research's safeguards look like just another drooling moron with severe paranoia.

if you want to know how plants express genes and how GMO's actually work, take a fucking class at the Ag Extension, or read real scientific research, not dopey eco-blogs and bullshit from the luddite left. the rtteal info is out there, and it's free. plaus they wont try to sell you magic crystals, homeopathic cures or special "organic' fertilizers which are actually just evaporated sewage sludge from a waste water treatment plant.