do you know anyone who has gotten busted personally?


Well-Known Member
My buddies house got broken into cops came and had to go in he wouldn't let them tho.. They got a warrant and found his plants just flowering he's got a felony now.. But no distribution charges cuz he didn't have a scale or anything


Well-Known Member
My buddies house got broken into cops came and had to go in he wouldn't let them tho.. They got a warrant and found his plants just flowering he's got a felony now.. But no distribution charges cuz he didn't have a scale or anything
Lack of scales would not be the reason (lmao) probably the fact that he is 16 and had two plants may have had a bearing on things.:weed:

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Actually I take it back. I did know a guy who got busted growing but he's dead now. He was growing skunk weed in a large barn with no roof. He was paying housewives from around the neiborhood 10 bucks an hour to trim buds etc. Cops saw him from the sky. He said he knew they were on to him cause these guys across the street working on a tractor were wearing was a pretty bjg grow. He got off very lightly somehow....i don't know how...... but he was rich going in and after getting busted all he had left was a giant gold ring worth about 70 grand and a rolex. One of the coolest dudes around and well known as the owner of one of premier cockfighting pits in the U.S. Before it was outlawed. He died from emphasema. Smoked like a train.

Don't know how i forgot that till now. pot smokers brain i guess.
Actually I take it back. I did know a guy who got busted growing but he's dead now. He was growing skunk weed in a large barn with no roof. He was paying housewives from around the neiborhood 10 bucks an hour to trim buds etc. Cops saw him from the sky. He said he knew they were on to him cause these guys across the street working on a tractor were wearing was a pretty bjg grow. He got off very lightly somehow....i don't know how...... but he was rich going in and after getting busted all he had left was a giant gold ring worth about 70 grand and a rolex. One of the coolest dudes around and well known as the owner of one of premier cockfighting pits in the U.S. Before it was outlawed. He died from emphasema. Smoked like a train.

Don't know how i forgot that till now. pot smokers brain i guess.

see i think if your in a state with fairly leaniant laws i dont think your going to do any more than county time. in my state it cost 68K a year to house one inmate. so are they going to spend 68 grand on a dozen plants. im worth more if i pay the fine and do something like house arrest. so if i got raided and had plants and nothing to indicate i am selling and no guns. i think i would get off with a slap on the wrist. the only thing i am worried about is that i live in a neighborhood with 500K+ houses. and the lights that come out of a window in the evening look a little strange. but not as strange as foil on the windows would. i think if you dont look like a suspect they wont treat you like one. i always talk to my neighbors and put on a big firework show for the 4th of july. never have traffic never have loud music. never have a single reason for a cop to "stop" by...
I can't say I know anyone thats been busted EVER. Everyone I know puffs and is kinda relaxed with it, Smoking at concerts, driving around in the car, in the backyard, but nobody's been busted. Where I live even if you're not legal it's just a ticket for anything less than an ounce and the associated parafinalia (SP?)


New Member
i hate how cops are spending all there time and resources on marijuana. It isnt a bad drug its harmless, the only time they should care about it is when some stupid gangstars start drug wars. Otherwise why can't they spend all their resources on the hardcore drugs that are actually bad like crack,meth,hetoin,lsd,etc. Alcohol kills WAY more than marijuana it exponentially uncomparable, but they just can't tax it so they ruineveryones fun. Thats my 2cents i just think cops should lay off a recreational/spiritual herb.


Well-Known Member
I got busted nine years ago with 82 elbows.I was working with another guy who recieved a dwi and instead of taking his 31 days in jail decided to rat.The outcome was 25 grand for a high line law firm and 8 months in the county jail.Sucked,but atleast i was only charged with a misdameanor.It was all outdoor and dried i gues they said it was 82lbs.Another thing..I had ordered some stuff from discount hydro two months prior and the investigator asked me if he would find the hydro setup in my house if he got a warrant.I live 3000 miles from them so hmmm.And nobody else knew about it.Fortunately it was else where and i then sold it.So i assume either they got discounts records or were tracing my credit cards.either way that was 9 years ago and mistakes learned from.My advice would be don't tell anyone,not even your best friend.People do stupid shit when backed in a corner.And the biggest is don't show your girlfriend a pissed off woman can trash your life real fast.Deal with one person and don't be a dime bag or 1/8th guy.
Someone got raided from a warrant that was obtained after leaves were found in his trash. The trash he sat on the curb for the city to take away.
Someone got raided from a warrant that was obtained after leaves were found in his trash. The trash he sat on the curb for the city to take away.

ya, i've heard about stuff like that. it is funny you say that, i just threw out 2 males today. i put them at the bottom of the can and had let them dry up to where you could have never told the difference between it and any common yard weed. i let it dry for 2 weeks and threw some other weeds in there with it. but the main thing i always say is...if you dont look or act like a suspect you wont be treated like one...:clap:


Well-Known Member
So the moral of the story that I am getting is 1. Don't tell anyone 2. Don't get too big 3. Don't tell anyone. 4. Be careful about tossing the scrubs.

multiple weed forum accounts
This is new to me. What happens if you have too many accounts?