do you know anyone who has gotten busted personally?

i see shit on sites all the time about all the crap that the cops and feds have....they are tracking the seed shipments, infared house scans, and all the bullshit. so if you know someone who has gotten busted personally please give us a few hints that might help us from the same thing...i said personally....not your neighbors uncles cousin who lives in poland...i mean a buddy of yours that got busted "growing" not "possessing"

you dont need to give any names or anything like that. i was just wondering if all the paranoid people on here have had anything happen to them or someone they know...


Well-Known Member
Most busts happen because people can't keep their mouths shut about their hobby. After that comes inadequate stealth (lack of carbon filter etc). Other than that, you'd have to be really unlucky to get caught.

As for seeds being tracked, whether it's true or not, you only really need to acquire one good female, then you can clone the shit out of it forever, and never have to acquire seeds again (or at least until you get bored with the strain lol).


i have a friend that got caught 2 years ago. the whole reason he got caught was he was getting shit sent to him in the mail. it was being sent to his jobsite and the cops came there and took him or whatever and when they searched his house (which later to find they never got a warrant for his upstairs apartment) they found the grow room. he made out pretty good seeing how the cops fucked up a lot. other than paying 6grand for a lawyer hes ok no jailtime or anything. basically what it comes down to is that people fuck up when growing and take retarded risks.


New Member
i know someone in prison right now for a huge outdoor grow bust.. they took his houses, cars, properties u name it they confiscated it.. thus far he has a 78000 fine.. n he's not done yet either that was just for one county , he got 10 years 7 in 3 on paper.. hes got one more county to go yet.. some bitch snitched on him cuz she wanted some shit from him n he woulnd't give it up.. whatta a fuckin cunt..

he grew his own strain called BO.. the nugz were sweet n got you fucked up as hell.. wish i couldve gotten a clone from him.. damn it..
see that is what i am saying. people put all kinds of stuff on here about all the shit cops have and ways to take you down. i think cops are stupid and just get lucky busting shit. i see the reality tv shows all the time and all they do is gte lucky or get a lower guy to roll on the grower. i dont think im growing enough to do major prison time for. i just needed some money to supplement my income. plus im an old white man with no criminal past and no firearms in the house... but i do not know anyone who gotten popped for growing. like the guy above me said, i know people who got caught for trafficing. but not growing.


Well-Known Member
I got raided back in 2001 at an old apartment I had. It had a nice grow setup in the basement. It wasn't a high tech bust, just a toolbag with a big mouth that I wouldn't let in. He was a friend of a friend, and wanted to see and "go into business" with me. So, I punched my friend in HIS big mouth, told the toolbag to F*** off, and the little punk narked me out THAT afternoon before I had a chance to relocate the ladies. I lost 6 plants in mid-flowering. It still makes me a little sick when I think about it. I got let off with a misdemeanor because of some smooth talk from my lawyer, and it was the first drug offense as an adult....lucky for me.

Ya know what? I'm gonna go to his house , knock on the door......and punch him again.......right now.


New Member
see that is what i am saying. people put all kinds of stuff on here about all the shit cops have and ways to take you down. i think cops are stupid and just get lucky busting shit. i see the reality tv shows all the time and all they do is gte lucky or get a lower guy to roll on the grower. i dont think im growing enough to do major prison time for. i just needed some money to supplement my income. plus im an old white man with no criminal past and no firearms in the house... but i do not know anyone who gotten popped for growing. like the guy above me said, i know people who got caught for trafficing. but not growing.
IM NOT A MAN...THANK YOU .. READ MY SIGNATURE.......LOL.........:clap:


someone around where i live got caught last year with over 8000 plants outdoor and a nursery full of sprouts. cops got four flatbed trucks of confiscated herbage. he just had to big of an operation.


Well-Known Member
Did you punch him?
No.......when I got there, he opened the door and he says, " Heeeyyy....just in time to smoke this with me....."

I just couldn't do it. He is still a friend, and he's been keeping my secrets well for the last 8 years, so.......... but I did remind him of it, and he said he was sorry for the millionth time....and he gave me some free weed.

Now I feel kinda bad for drudging it all up.
IM NOT A MAN...THANK YOU .. READ MY SIGNATURE.......LOL.........:clap:

sorry about that ma'am. i was thinking of the person a few posts up but was lazy. so how do you feel being a minority in a man's game so to speak? i'm not saying a woman can't do it but just think most of the people on here are male...and i think younger than older.....
No.......when I got there, he opened the door and he says, " Heeeyyy....just in time to smoke this with me....."

I just couldn't do it. He is still a friend, and he's been keeping my secrets well for the last 8 years, so.......... but I did remind him of it, and he said he was sorry for the millionth time....and he gave me some free weed.

Now I feel kinda bad for drudging it all up.

so what was the outcome? did you do any jail time? or just a slap on the wrist and fine? dont share if you think it may put you in a bad place, i dont want anyone doing anything they dont feel comfortable with...i have never had anything more than a traffic ticket.

and to the guy with 800 plants you are going to get caught at some poit with that have to have to many people in on the grow to not get caught at some point. like i said cops dont do shit, they wait for things to fall into their laps...


Well-Known Member
so what was the outcome? did you do any jail time? or just a slap on the wrist and fine? dont share if you think it may put you in a bad place, i dont want anyone doing anything they dont feel comfortable with...i have never had anything more than a traffic ticket.

and to the guy with 800 plants you are going to get caught at some poit with that have to have to many people in on the grow to not get caught at some point. like i said cops dont do shit, they wait for things to fall into their laps...

:leaf:Oh yeah....sorry. I got a $500 fine, 6 weeks of drug counseling, and 1 year of probation, with a 1 year suspended sentence.:leaf: