Do you have to use nutes ?


Well-Known Member
Well what are the best nutes to buy as a beginner I've been growing my plants for 4 weeks just water from my sink lol . I can go get nutes whenever I just don't know which ones to get . :/
The entire dynagro lineup , good results , great price, not a million things to buy.


Well-Known Member
i like dyna grow and have the whole line up. I dont like the mag pro so i substituted with cal-mag + from gen hydro. I also added a humboldt honey carbo load to help a little with carbs. I go with grow for veg and a mix of grow and bloom for flowering
some people swear the bloom is a waste and just veg works great, i have yet to try it


Well-Known Member
I've not tried dyna gro, but I've heard theyre heap and awesome.

BTW, am I supposed to be spelling it humus? Lol, probably.

Anyways, to the OP-- the more you study up and learn about nutrients the better off you will be. It can be entirely overwhelming with all of the different products out there, and knowing when to use them (at what stage of plant life) can be tricky BC they can't exactly put the directions for growing weed on the bottle.

If you're just starting out, the important thing to know is that you are going to need nitrogen for foliar (leaf) development. The sooner you get some big fan leaves, the sooner they can start working to utilize light and help the process of feeding your plant. Nitrogen is one of the big 3- nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK). You'll need mostly nitrogen for veg, so get a "grow" formula. All nutes will have the "npk" ratio as 3 numbers, like 8-1-6, or 4-10-4 or whatever.

But your plant might also need calcium and magnesium. You can get cal/mag (it'll say it on the label) but for soil grows there are cheaper ways to get it.

Speaking of which, +rep to churchaze, my first couple of times on this site I saw someone mention that churchaze knew his nutes, and he really does.

I picked up the dolamitic lime for my soil grow- 40 pound bag was only $3.50!

BTW churchaze, how should I feed with this stuff? How soluble is it? I'm getting ready to transplant.



Well-Known Member
Also, nizza, I have also heard/read similar things about using the grow formula the whole way through, even til the end of bloom.


Well-Known Member
This question depends on outside or inside and soil.Indoors it almost automatically needed unless you make your own soil mix,for outdoors it depends on the soil.For example my soil outside is filled with worms and worms leaves casting and castings are good for plants,so i don't really have to feed them since the worms eat the compost around my plants.


Well-Known Member
i've been using dyna for a while now. you could totaly just use the grow and be just fine imo. if you go with that, get the quart. the gallon lasts too long for a small grow. jacks classic is supposed to be realy good as well, it is lacking in cal/mag afaik but most places the tap water has enough anyways. if not, its easy to ammend a soil mix to compensate or just use cal/mag. if you want to do the organic thing, its even cheaper, but you will have to do you're homework to do it well. hth