Do you have the Balls?

Do you have the Balls?

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Hey guys I have a question for you all. I'm a modest medical marijuana grower and abide by every rule in the book. I use sound control and smell control. No traffic in and out. No dealing. I'm very quiet.

I am currently looking for a house to rent. I found the perfect house in my price range; however their is a problem - The next door neighbor is a cop and he has a squad car parked out front every time we visited this home

Here's my question - Do you have the Balls to live next to a Cop?

I need to see what you guys think. I'm not breaking any laws!!! :joint:


Well-Known Member
If you are a citizen and not a outlaw and if you can speak his lingo go for it.
Unless he has kids

He will look after the home and they dont want trouble around the house


Well-Known Member
You are medical. Do it. If you live in a medical state, there's a good chance that the cop actually supports legalization for patients. I'm not saying to go over and say, "Hi, I grow medicinal marijuana!", but there's about zero chance you won't be meeting him at some point(cops are generally very sociable on the home front). I'd say go for it man. I would gladly live in an all cop neighborhood if it meant I could grow my herbal remedies at home.

DO IT!!!! Be proud that you can grow legally and be thankful he's a cop and not a fed! Lol. :)


Active Member
you said yourself that you're not breaking the law...
i don't see why he would care...
i know some local laws state you must inform your landlord that you are growing...
i would still grow my own meds...but i would be on the up and up like 110%
and he would never know...


Active Member
I'd knock on his door and say hi. Feel him out. See if he is a a holier than thou type or what. If you feel like you need an excuse to walk over, just tell him you have dogs that will occasionally bark if somebody knocks on the door, and that you don't want to rent a place where you would be unwelcome.


Well-Known Member
Hey, good question. I think it depends on what the cop's views are toward medicinal. It could be good in the sense that a robbery might be less likely to occur with a copper living next door. On the other hand, if he happens to be against pot redardless of the law then it would be awkward if he were to find out. If u think he wouldn't find out, and ur abiding by the law then u might be ok. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with that idea either way. Even when legal, there is much to consider when scouting property. I'd keep looking for more options and as mentioned, go for the meet and greet approach...couldn't hurt.
At first I was really skeptical about living there. It's weird to mix the two worlds that closely together.
I kind of like the notion that it is SAFER to live next to a cop. Less burglaries / robberies.
Greatwhite - exactly right. That's what I was thinking.

If we get approved for this house I'll try to avoid meeting him for a while. A few months. I'm in no rush. lol.
I'm still looking for other places to rent. This is the best house yet.

Anyone Else got the Balls?

kouki monster

Active Member
I don't see why not, especially considering that you're a low-key person you would be surprised how easily a neighbor (a cop especially) can end up being a good friend as long as you're not an "outlaw thuglife fuck cops til i die" type of character (no offense to Tupac, he made great music)

I'd do it, doesn't require much balls. Just need confidence, knowing your rights, knowing all the laws and being a man about the situation and approaching the "big bad wolf" police officer neighbor.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
as long as your 100% legal, sure go for it. perhaps it would be best to talk to him, and let him know, so you dont run into issues later. either way, make sure your abiding by all the laws.