Ursus marijanus
I think one of the things that impelled me was an instinctive reaction to the words "correct" and "supposed". You had the idea that there was a right or wrong way in your mind to treat the question. When I am presented with the functional equivalent of orthodoxy, an unnecessarily restrictive set of rules in pursuit of an ending that cannot be good, I consider playing along to be an act of accession, without courage. So ... I turn my attention to subversion, to spotting the unexpected option.Understandable, ^ that's how you were suppose to answer the question people.
Yeah, I don't have any kids but it would be the same way if I was in that situation.
Take the video. My first thought (if I were the woman handed a gun) would have been to tuck it under my chin. Fuck you, robber ... I spit at your rules.
But had I had my wits about me a bit more, I would have bushwacked the remaining gunman. It's a low-probability manuever, but the one with the best potential outcome.
Otherwise all options lead to a kid looking at his parent funny for the rest of their lives, an outcome where I bring a counter-orthodoxy: unacceptable, and it demands the quest for an unorthodox reaction. I squirmed, because from my perspective you were trying to compel an irreducibly cowardly act from me. I will always recoil from such a premise.
Why am I writing this? I have a vague dissatisfaction with your rejection/dismissal of my efforts on this thread as unorthodox, wrong, and thus without value. That doesn't sit quite right with me. cn