Do you guys think this plant will recover???


Hey fellow growers this is my first grow and im quite worried about my noob mistakes wondering if my plant will recover. There were some red rust patches on my plant and whiteish spots me thinking it was a disease and it would spread to the rest of my plant i cut some of the leaves that had it on them i only cut some completely off and as you can see in the pictures half of some. I later found out the reason for this was magnesium deficiency due to the fact my ph was to acidic i put to much ph down and nutes must have made it fall even more so now im raising my ph hoping the plant will get better but im worried that my cuts will harm it it seems to still be growing as there is some new leaves growing at the area i topped last week and underneath as you can see in the pics. Do you guys think my plant will be alright and recover im doing 12/12 from seed btw as i dont have tons of space my plant has not shown sex yet but has a nice sweet citrus scent to it well what do you experts think will it get better and strive please help meee :( and thanx!!


Well-Known Member
Do a transplant to a bigger pot... don't let that space between the soil and the top of the pots either and start feeding bloom nutes along with some soucer of calcium and magnesium like Dolomite Lime or Calmag Plus


people have been saying its from a lockout due to my ph being to acidic my nutes are fine??? and its currently in a 3 gallon pot i recently did a transplant