Do you foliar-feed?


Well-Known Member
Typically I don't spray anything on my plants. However, I am trying a bit of foliar feeding this run. I use a dilute solution of Schultz liquid 10-15-10 during the veg cycle. I am a big Schultz fan. I know it's common and is probably tied to some bad corporate whatever...but the plants seem to love it. Of course, I won't be spraying during the flower cycle.

Does anyone foliar-feed? And, if yes, then what do you use?

I am noticing that the fertilizer salts in the spray-droplets are drying and leaving salty spots on some of the leaves. I don't think it's a big deal. Like I say, I am only spraying during veg. As soon as I flip, then no more spraying. I think the plants are responding well so far.
I don't, but I don't know much about it either. I was just concerned about the salts on the leaves as well.
I just pour nutes into a hempy bucket and try not to spill to much on the leafs the way down.
I don't put food on my skin so, I'm not putting nutrients on my leaves.
But let us know if you stumbled upon any new secrets.
yes i folier feed my garden plants, i use a weak solution, take them away from the lights, take em outside your grow tent, spray, leave for a few hours, then use strait ph'd water to wash off exess nutes. wait another 2 hours and put them back under the lights
i use seaweed solution, or make a tea with chicken shit or fish shit, seaweed solution and leave it to airate for a day , filter, leave to stand a few hours. them make up . use the search engine for compost teas ect
yes i folier feed my garden plants, i use a weak solution, take them away from the lights, take em outside your grow tent, spray, leave for a few hours, then use strait ph'd water to wash off exess nutes. wait another 2 hours and put them back under the lights
i use seaweed solution, or make a tea with chicken shit or fish shit, seaweed solution and leave it to airate for a day , filter, leave to stand a few hours. them make up . use the search engine for compost teas ect

Is there really any noticeable difference when you foliar feed compared to normal feeding?
Only if my plants need the extra food like when I get a shitty bag of barely buffered coco. Kelp can keep stretch down
The only time ive seen mentioned foliar feeding with anything looking like more than growbro statements was in connection with something called Calcium based growing and BRIX growing.
If your plants are loving it i would do a test where you just spray RO water on half the plants and see if you dont get the same "plants loving it" effect. It doesnt seem very likely that plants would absorb nutes thru leaves or stomata, but there may be some benefits just with spraying water to your leaves.
The only time ive seen mentioned foliar feeding with anything looking like more than growbro statements was in connection with something called Calcium based growing and BRIX growing.
If your plants are loving it i would do a test where you just spray RO water on half the plants and see if you dont get the same "plants loving it" effect. It doesnt seem very likely that plants would absorb nutes thru leaves or stomata, but there may be some benefits just with spraying water to your leaves.
Yeah, I've always gotten good results without foliar-feeding, but I wanted to try it, myself, this time, and see if any other people were using the technique. I think plants do absorb some nutes through the leaves and they do seem to like getting misted a few times a day. Maybe it's just the water. Time will tell, I guess.
Yeah, I've always gotten good results without foliar-feeding, but I wanted to try it, myself, this time, and see if any other people were using the technique. I think plants do absorb some nutes through the leaves and they do seem to like getting misted a few times a day. Maybe it's just the water. Time will tell, I guess.
I havent tried either way, but i always encourage everyone to combine the growbro with the scientific and put shit to test. If it eorks for you i will not argue and ill always listen to oldtimers of riu...
I havent tried either way, but i always encourage everyone to combine the growbro with the scientific and put shit to test. If it eorks for you i will not argue and ill always listen to oldtimers of riu...
I just did a google search on "the science of foliar feeding" and most of what I read was that the plants DO absorb nutrients through the leaves.....but the duration is shorter than absorbing nutrients through the roots. I couldn't really find anything that was in opposition to foliar feeding -other than to be careful with the concentration and not to create a situation for mold and mildew to proliferate, etc. Also, the label on many fertilizers give dilution options for foliar feeding, too. I couldn't find anything that I would consider as growbro stuff.
I just did a google search on "the science of foliar feeding" and most of what I read was that the plants DO absorb nutrients through the leaves.....but the duration is shorter than absorbing nutrients through the roots. I couldn't really find anything that was in opposition to foliar feeding -other than to be careful with the concentration and not to create a situation for mold and mildew to proliferate, etc. Also, the label on many fertilizers give dilution options for foliar feeding, too. I couldn't find anything that I would consider as growbro stuff.
Ive not done the research properly just read explanations of nute companies but ill happily believe this. Iirc the benefit of foliar, as explained by what i couldnt really make out as proper or growbro, was that there was "costs" involved with getting nutes from the roots that wouldnt be incurred with foliar but i cant really remember the currency. I think the nute line was Gaia something, but at that point i was not really able to make out how true it was. It involved brix growing, getting highly nutrious/or sugar heavy yields.
Just dim your light right down when you foliar feed, think cloudy overcast day for rain.. that way the light won’t be magnified through the droplets and burn spots on your leaves.. 1/2 and hour after feeding turn them back up.