Do you ever stop tying down branches for LST?


Active Member
I am currenbtly doing the lst method of tying down my plant to switch up the hormones and create more cola's. i am wondering when if ever i should stop tying down branches and let the plant grow upwards. i am into week 8 of my plant and i vegged for 7 weeks so this is the first week of flowering. Up until this point i have tied down all the major branches allowing for more light to reach the others. So, once again my question should i keep tying down throughout the whole grow or let it grow upwards at some point?


Active Member
Keep tying till yu get an even canopy, and the flower stretch (upwards growth) is about over. From there you can tweak the branches around as the start to fill in.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Yea, I've even tied down as late as the second week of flower just to have an even canopy. You can choose to stop tying them down at any point in veg, or wait until they flower. Try it both ways and see what works better for you.


Well-Known Member
Its all dependent on your situation and preference, I've tied down all the way till the last week of harvest with no ill effects.


Well-Known Member
keep tying it, but dont tie everyday, tie every 2-3 days because otherwise you will stunt the growth