Do you ever reuse soil?


Well-Known Member
I like to mix my own soil, I use Black Gold add a block of coco some worm castings bat guano.
Is this a good idea or should I start over?
I am adding nutes during the grow process so does it matter if I reuse the soil?


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people would say don't do it. I have a friend who does, and it seems to work fine for him. When he's done he flushes his soil out with flora-clean (sp?), then does another rinse with hygrozyme (to help decompose little bits of roots left). One factor to consider is what kind of nutes you're using, and how much.


you need to read the TLO True Living Organics section in skunk magazine by the rev. he explains that slow release nutes in soil additives only progress and get better with time.


in my opinion FUCK YES!!!!! I am just introducing guano tea as well as mixed in with soil. guano = flavor


Active Member
The soil i use is 3rd generation which mean this is the third time i have used it and i agree with "Zedesto" that article was awesome....


Well-Known Member
that's good to hear, I'm revegging for the fist time and love the fox farm ocean forrest. I didn't do anything except add a couple cups of soil to the top. that sheit is money


Well-Known Member
This is a very interesting thread guys, I have never grown in soil, always aero but grow my tomatoes on the balcony in reused soil, dont even clean it, just whack the next seeds in and every year they get better, I do feed with nutes but very very little.

More people should know this, soil can be expensive on bigger grows!!


yea, I am just a medical grower with a small grow, but reusing soil is an excellent practice to get into. once you start reaping the benefits of aged soil you will never go back. also saves a TON of money dude!


Well-Known Member
i do reuse my soil, i just add more that i take from my small compost heap, and im organic too...


Well-Known Member
i use the same soil a lot for my outdoor grow. in winter time i add a fish head to the bottom of the bucket and throughout the winter i throw lettuce and eggshells and anything that will decompose just not meat. and i keep a walmart bag over the top cuz it keeps moisture in really well cuz its a tight fit. then i start my seedlings in another container and when i go to put the plant into the bucket i will mix the dirt up and make sure its well blended and plant in that. i do know though that you can use the same bucket for three grows using that method cuz they guy who showed me did that. but with the compost you make it makes the dirt so rich it has damn near endless supply of nutrients. plus the fish head is best fertilizer ever unless you get into synthetic stuff