Do you ever hang out with people and not really do anything?


Well-Known Member
What are your thoughts on this? Like go to a friends house and just hang out and watch TV or something with them?

I find this type of stuff to be gut wrenchingly painful. Am I alone in this?

I was just about to invite a friend to hang out and have a drink tonight, she said she's not drinking right now... so then I thought "well what the hell are we going to do then, just sit there and stare at each other?". The small talk is just retarded, anything either of us could say to each other we've already said before, nothing new. So what would be the point? I don't really get any joy from just being around a friend, do you? I think I would rather just spend time alone..

So yeah, basically, what's the point of 'hanging out' with a friend/s if there's no real 'goal' or 'activity' to be had during that time, like watching a fight, or getting stoned or going to dinner or something?

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
If you've got nothing new to add to the convo isn't it partially your fault for the lack of stimulating conversation..?


This is not an attack on you, but just in general for people that have nothing to talk about with their friends...


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I would say I don't mind this sort of thing but every time I visit a friend we get high, although sometimes we just 'hang out'. I suppose it's different if either party is specifically travelling to meet you, a bar or something at which you both have something to eat or drink to occupy time/provide a conversation point. You know, something to justify meeting at the setting.
If you are just going to a friend's house or they are coming over, then it is the best friends who can just 'drop by' with nothing particularly planned and you have fun or they are literally just hanging around with you, passing the occasional word (but don't force a conversation) and you are just content with their presence.

Sometimes even when I Skype people I don't force a conversation, we'll both just be doing whatever but knowing the other person is There. The best friends are the ones you can just chill out and watch TV with as if you were on your own but just with them there it seems so much better.

Trying to force or make a pretense of 'social activity' (or what society deems appropriate 'social activity') seems more uncomfortable and awkwardness-inducing to me but then again I'm weird.


Well-Known Member
What are your thoughts on this? Like go to a friends house and just hang out and watch TV or something with them?

I find this type of stuff to be gut wrenchingly painful. Am I alone in this?

I was just about to invite a friend to hang out and have a drink tonight, she said she's not drinking right now... so then I thought "well what the hell are we going to do then, just sit there and stare at each other?". The small talk is just retarded, anything either of us could say to each other we've already said before, nothing new. So what would be the point? I don't really get any joy from just being around a friend, do you? I think I would rather just spend time alone..

So yeah, basically, what's the point of 'hanging out' with a friend/s if there's no real 'goal' or 'activity' to be had during that time, like watching a fight, or getting stoned or going to dinner or something?
I only hang out with people that I'm comfortable with saying "well shit dude this is boring I'm heading home". They say the same to me since we've all talked about how hanging out gets boring. It's best not to over-kill a hang out session with feeling awkward.

Pot helps things out. Sometimes you honestly want to smoke with somebody, that's where friends come in. Nobody wants to honestly watch tv with somebody (well nobody I can think of).


Well-Known Member
I think most of us genuinely like to get high then watch tv with someone. I've come to the conclusion that all of u stoners who smoke with company and enjoy withouut much else to do have the most genuine friendships... the ones where you even enjoy the boring together because you are baked as fuck.

I don't know about you but I get more emotionally sensitive when high... Really affectionate and touchy-feely. Then the notion of curling up on the couch watching Top Gear or something is only bettered by watching it with someone nice.

Yes. Stoners have the most beautiful friendships...


Active Member
I think most of us genuinely like to get high then watch tv with someone. I've come to the conclusion that all of u stoners who smoke with company and enjoy withouut much else to do have the most genuine friendships... the ones where you even enjoy the boring together because you are baked as fuck.

I don't know about you but I get more emotionally sensitive when high... Really affectionate and touchy-feely. Then the notion of curling up on the couch watching Top Gear or something is only bettered by watching it with someone nice.

Yes. Stoners have the most beautiful friendships...
Agreed, Sitting after a long day and taking bong rips with a buddy or two just to unwind is super relaxing. No one forces conversation after a dab or two, just a blank comfortable stare at the tube.

Props for mentioning top gear, it's the only thing I watch on BBC, fucking love their humor.


Well-Known Member
why does hanging out with someone have to be based around smoking weed or getting drunk?
you can't take her to the movies or some shit?

so what if she did come over to drink? you would still spend the time staring at each other, the only difference is you both will be drunk.

you just want some pussy and if she's not drinking, you don't want her over at all.
... that poor girl.


Well-Known Member
Having friends you could just hangout with and talk about anything or nothing is rare.Its up to you if its going to be an awkward thing or just naturaly chill.Everything has to have a point when around someone?(-not trying to sound like a dick when i say this-)maybe you have some form of anxiety/insecurity occuring that prevents you to feel naturaly at ease with others when there are no particular things to occupy the time with them,this is understandable but not really a necessary thing,If it is necessary in your life that you would feel that way,maybe something/someone new is in order.Meet new people,that is if you arent mysanthropic somehow,I dont know,theres my 2cents.


Well-Known Member
I often think about this myself.. I always get stuck at friends houses just watching TV, and eating pizza.. Which is cool I guess.. Sometimes though I just want to be at my own house.. My own things.. The real problem is I am not entertained very easily.

I see what james is saying though, I mean drinks do get shit flowin though. If Im not drinking especially when a new girl is present. I just turn socially retarded. I dont know why its like I immediately turn into a little kid. And its not even for the sex. Its so hard to explain to a girl you dont really want sex, you want talking. Especially when it comes to drinking lol
Sometimes though I need a good fuckin not gonna lie

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I only hang out with people that I'm comftorable with saying "well shit dude this is boring I'm heading home". They say the same to me since we've all talked about how hanging out gets boring. It's best not to over-kill a hang out session with feeling awkward.

Pot helps things out. Sometimes you honestly want to smoke with somebody, that's where friends come in. Nobody wants to honestly watch tv with somebody (well nobody I can think of).
i hate this type of hanging out for the simple fact that i don't want to watch whatever nauseating garbage they choose to put on, and i don't want to listen to their disgusting music. i've had the same core group of friends since freshman year in high school and everyone has changed to the point none of us would be friends if we met for the first time today.

there is something special about being able to just stand up, announce, "i got no more use for this guy", and be on my way. (yes, that was a "my cousin vinny" reference and i really do say it.) or sometimes if they want me to leave, they'll look at me and say, "bye" or "get out". nothing douchey about it. we all know the deal.

i spend most of my time alone, anyway.


Well-Known Member
Damn guys.. I have to say I love my friends dear, if they want to sit down and have me watch TV with them so be it, what else would I be doing? And hell if Im too bored we normally get pretty high so taking a nap is totally acceptable xD

I guess my friends have a LOT of the same interests as me though.. I can honestly tell them anything if we are in the 'serious zone'. But if we've been having fun and I say something serious, well its a bit of a buzzkill if I do say so myself


Well-Known Member
why does hanging out with someone have to be based around smoking weed or getting drunk?
you can't take her to the movies or some shit?

so what if she did come over to drink? you would still spend the time staring at each other, the only difference is you both will be drunk.

you just want some pussy and if she's not drinking, you don't want her over at all.
... that poor girl.
Not necessarily drinking or smoking weed, just something. There has to be a reason to hang out, a goal, a process, an activity, anything. Meeting up and having similar conversations all the time is simply not enjoyable to me. Especially for some reason if it's with a girl because most girls I know are polar opposites from me and my interests. Most people in general seem to be polar opposites, but with another guy at least we find some of the same things interesting.

I think this, among a few other things, has affected my ability to make and keep friends.

What do you get out of your friendships with people you otherwise couldn't have gotten without them?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
What is it with a lot of people that feel the need to fill the empty space with hominid grunts and hoots? My absolute all time favorite activity is to sit around the firepit and watch the stars. No words are needed. Relax. Enjoy the moment. What you need is a change of venue. Go sit by a lake or a river or on top of a mountain and listen to the wind. Why sit around in a box when you can be outside?


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily drinking or smoking weed, just something. There has to be a reason to hang out, a goal, a process, an activity, anything. Meeting up and having similar conversations all the time is simply not enjoyable to me. Especially for some reason if it's with a girl because most girls I know are polar opposites from me and my interests. Most people in general seem to be polar opposites, but with another guy at least we find some of the same things interesting.

I think this, among a few other things, has affected my ability to make and keep friends.

What do you get out of your friendships with people you otherwise couldn't have gotten without them?

be happy she even wants to kick it with you.
i have very few friends and they're all either married/engaged, and either have kids already, or have kids on the way. not to mention work 5-6 days a week.

i get what you're saying though, people used to invite me over all the time. and all we would do is sit around, or watch tv...
then i just stopped answering my phone until they stopped calling lol.

sometime i'll still get the occasional "is this still james' number" or the spare "merry christmas" from one of them lmfao. i never reply though, is that fucked up?