Do you ever go online and watch girls fist fight? Post some girl fights!


Well-Known Member
i don't know, video said something about text messages or something.

the one girl got her shit rocked and then complained about pulling hair? clearly the girl on top was pounding her shit it.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
but yeah I went to an all black school for a couple years in the ghetto, lots of fights to enjoy.
why doesnt that sound hard to believe...any time i see em theyre fightin....these vids piss me off and im goin to leave before the thread turns racist and i offend somebody.....



Well-Known Member
gotta give the girl that got her shit handed to her props though, she didn't want to give up.
lol true, she had fight in her. like the way she bum rushed the girl in the black in the beginning. but the girl in the black cleaned house. lol when im getting my ass beat by my sister, i never give up


Well-Known Member
doin some damage.