do you cut off some of the leaves when the plant is budding?

Do you cut some of the leaves off while the plant is budding. Want to make sure it stays all dry and no mold because the budding area is so thick. any help would be appreciated. thanks


Well-Known Member
i have read that keeping the leaves short increases the light consumption of the buds allowing them to grow thick and plentiful. but i'm not currently a grower so take the tip as you like!

can anyone confirm this?


Well-Known Member
lots of schools of thought on removing leaves for circulation, light penetration, Etc. Imho leaves are the source of energy for the plant. The more you take off the less energy it can develop. better to put a fan on them for air circulation and or more wattage for light penetration. the more leaves you can leave on the better, especially in flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
no leave your fan leafs on they will eventualy die and fall off. if you cut off leafs you cut off the food source which means slower growth


Well-Known Member
all i do is take a pair of scissors and take all the leaves that are blocking the light and cut the leave fingers half way down. more light can get to the bud and the leave is still able to produce energy for growth. i do this about every 10 days.

stink hole

Active Member
all i do is take a pair of scissors and take all the leaves that are blocking the light and cut the leave fingers half way down. more light can get to the bud and the leave is still able to produce energy for growth. i do this about every 10 days.
yea that sounds about right


Well-Known Member
:joint:i would just leave them alone and get more air circulation, your yeild will decrease if you cut any off once your in flower mode, usually you want to trim right before flower, if you do want to cut off some leaves, don't cut off too many otherwise you will shock it, you can also train leaves by bending them a little so they are out of the way:joint: