Do you cover your bowl after you hit?


Well-Known Member
Its just a habit for me to cover the bowl after i hit it. Im not sure how much of a difference it makes, but i cant stand to see all that smoke rising from the bowl after you hit it. Its kinda like my pet peeve. Only bad thing is, when you use the same lighter too many times, there will be a dark black circle of reson on the side where you cover the bowl, and that can be pretty embarrassing when a random person in public ask to borrow your lighter.

I just watched a vid from like 2 threads up about smoking kief and thats what made me think of this. The guys takes these big hits of kief and you can see all that smoke rising off the bowl! kills me!
I hate seeing that smoke go to waste. Sometimes I cover it and sometimes I'll try to inhale that too, lol
just dont pack so much in the bowl so you can clear it in one hit..

ive tried that. personally, i like to load a fat bowl that i can hit on for awhile. i kno this is bad but im a very lazy smoker and after awhile im even too lazy to keep loading the bowl. takes too much time lol. cant beat a green hit tho!
i do it.. if its a bowl you want to hit a few times. i cover itwith my hand, it runs out of oxygen and goes out. saves a little bit.
I cover it with my thumb after every hit as well simply because I am guilty of hitting it then getting lost in my mind for a moment not realising the bowl is still smouldering. Little bit off topic but a peeve of mine is people who have to swirl the lighter and burn up all the green with their first hit. Just light it on the edge and work it across as you smoke. Just some smoking etiquette I abide by.
I cover it with my thumb after every hit as well simply because I am guilty of hitting it then getting lost in my mind for a moment not realising the bowl is still smouldering. Little bit off topic but a peeve of mine is people who have to swirl the lighter and burn up all the green with their first hit. Just light it on the edge and work it across as you smoke. Just some smoking etiquette I abide by.
i like to circle it. :)
just some smoking etiquette i abide by. ;)
Sometimes I just hit exactly half the bowl and leave half green for next smoker

Thats what people should do imo, makes for a much nicer second hit but i always pack one hitters anyways so it doesn't matter to me. With large kief bowls though i'd probably put my thumb over it too, that shits too nice to waste no matter how much you have.
I knew someone else out there had to have lighters that match mine. I always cover the bowl, old habit that dies hard. I didn't always have enough to smoke like i do now, so i would conserve and try to starve out the bowl of air and make it go out. Now i just do it out of habit, all my lighters are burned, some badly, not a good idea to put the lighter repeated on top of hash bowls, that shit burns HOT!