Do you count flowering from 12/12 switch or when you see pistil hairs?

Lights turned on a few hours ago and I’ve been tending to them doing a res change.. why you so anxious to see what’s going on in my little home med and rec garden?
Not anxious at all but I like to see what people are growing before I pay much attention to them giving advice.
Here’s a couple good references for a true scrog:

The LBH on Grow Weed Easy is a great tutorial for folks just staring into the training technique! Other readers might benefit who haven't read it before. I wish we had the internet while growing back in the 1970s! lol

So seriously, what makes my "scrog" not real? Yeah it didn't turn out perfectly even, but if you have better photos of your own grow and a description of how you filled your 5X5 or larger indoor tent with one plant keeping it under 3 feet high I'd love to see them. Pretty please, spill your secrets!
People are so surprised when they see multiple greenhouses..doublejj let them know how common it is In nor cal, especially Nevada, placer, and surrounding counties in the Sierra Nevadas..where doublejj lives you smell weed around every corner durring the season.. my only two nieghbors were also growers, any my 3 greenhouses were dwarfed by there 4 green houses and acre of 15 foot Christmas tree size plants.
I’m in Maine about to tap into this market.

I'm here in Canada. I'm jealous of Maine's recreational laws. You can only grow 3 "mature" plants, but have up to 12 immature plants (I assume not in female flower), and unlimited seedlings. Holy shit, here in Canada we're only allowed 4 plants period. If it has roots, it's a plant. That sucks, cause it makes growing regular seeds for good phenos impossible, so they're forcing you to buy the government sold feminized seeds! lol (Unless we buy from the g/b market of course online.)
People are so supervised when they see multiple greenhouses..doublejj let them know how common it is I’m not cal, especially Nevada, placer, and surrounding counties in the Sierra Nevadas..where doublejj lives you smell weed around every corner durring the season..
Tahoe always had some bomb ass weed when I was there, so I'm not doubting anything. A lot of OG's came out of there.

I loved the Sierra's.
I'm here in Canada. I'm jealous of Maine's recreational laws. You can only grow 3 "mature" plants, but have up to 12 immature plants (I assume not in female flower), and unlimited seedlings. Holy shit, here in Canada we're only allowed 4 plants period. If it has roots, it's a plant. That sucks, cause it makes growing regular seeds for good phenos impossible, so they're forcing you to buy the government sold feminized seeds! lol (Unless we buy from the g/b market of course online.)
Here in CO my wife and I can have 12 plants total. 6 of which can be flowering.
People are so supervised when they see multiple greenhouses..doublejj let them know how common it is I’m not cal, especially Nevada, placer, and surrounding counties in the Sierra Nevadas..where doublejj lives you smell weed around every corner durring the season..
all my neighbors grow...I'm the small guy on the road....
here's one of my neighbors 140ft greenhouses.
People are so supervised when they see multiple greenhouses..doublejj let them know how common it is I’m not cal, especially Nevada, placer, and surrounding counties in the Sierra Nevadas..where doublejj lives you smell weed around every corner durring the season..
There is nothing suprising about it in certain parts of the world. I have seen grows like that where it is illegal once upon a time. Just beyond what most home growers you find here will ever deal with.
Your allowed 6 med plants for a total of 9 flowering when you combine the 3 rec plants and you can share a space with a family member and double that. So potentially 18 flowering plants. And we can get lisence to grow recreationally and make the real money.
I'm here in Canada. I'm jealous of Maine's recreational laws. You can only grow 3 "mature" plants, but have up to 12 immature plants (I assume not in female flower), and unlimited seedlings. Holy shit, here in Canada we're only allowed 4 plants period. If it has roots, it's a plant. That sucks, cause it makes growing regular seeds for good phenos impossible, so they're forcing you to buy the government sold feminized seeds! lol (Unless we buy from the g/b market of course online.)
Nieghbors help neighbors with trimmers..I know I had a little tent city going on and when I needed more trimmers I only had to make a call.
I grew my first plants ever in Tahoe. I started with fluorescent tubes. Then I found out one of my dealers had a bunch of HID lights. He asked what size I needed and I had no idea, even though I was reading books. Anyways he loaned me a 420 watt SunAgro lamp. Which was supposed to be kinda like a CMH.

Of course I harvested way too early, lol.
Nieghbors help neighbors with trimmers..I know I had a little tent city going on and when I needed more trimmers I only had to make a call.

Considering I wouldn't trim for anything under $100/hr, I hope you pay these poor souls at least a living wage of $15/hour at minimum.