Yep, you've just made your point. Derp de der.
If there is no traffic then nothing bad can happen by not stopping. Stopping at that point is just a useless formality.
Yep, you've just made your point. Derp de der.
As I am not surprised you are unable to rationalize why the law is there in the first place. And unsurprisingly you group together disparate ideas to try and establish a basis for an argument. Prohibition of marijuana and enacting laws that protects lives and save money are not even remotely the same concept. But thanks for playing.
You forgot about his consensual pedophilia beliefs
You are much better at rationalizing than I am. However rational thought seems to escape you sometimes.
In both instances the individual has a group of busy bodies making their choices for them under threat of punishment for failure to acquiesce. In both instances freedom to self determine has been shat upon.
If there is no traffic then nothing bad can happen by not stopping. Stopping at that point is just a useless formality.
Risk it?Which is why you play with a lighter while soaked in gasoline,....nothing will happen unless.....Sometimes you can`t see if traffic is coming past your stop sign,...What then,...risk it ?
We shall all live that way.....
Risk it?
What a boring dull life you must lead if you never risk anything.
Apparently you still do not understand what NO TRAFFIC means. I stop at stop signs when there is traffic, when there is no traffic for miles and miles in every direction, I don't stop. There is no need to.Ya kidding ,..Right ? Not a decade ago, my car would go the first 60ft with no steering and me praying it don`t go to the bumper,...But diving irresponsibly in the public streets full of travelers and commuters,....that`s not risk,`s stupid, dumb, disrespectful and I wont do that.
Apparently you still do not understand what NO TRAFFIC means. I stop at stop signs when there is traffic, when there is no traffic for miles and miles in every direction, I don't stop. There is no need to.
Why do you interpret "no traffic" as the equivalent of "public streets full of travelers and commuters"? Are you stupid or something?
I guess it`s because I live where you can`t see around the corner or more than 100ft at a time.
But out in the plains or sticks,...I guess no harm no fowl can apply.
Yeah when I come down the section line on my southern acreage, I have to cross a paved county road so they put a stop sign there. This county road sees about 10-20 vehicles a day and I can see down either side about 4 or 5 miles. I never stop there. There is very little risk, in fact there is a greater risk of something falling out of the air and hitting me than something from the road since I never look up in the air when driving in order to minimize collisions, but certainly do look down the road.
In many ways you are right. Cities found they can fund their own unnecessary bureaucratic positions to a degree with fines from traffic infractions and parking enforcement. Hence you will never be rid of meter maids and traffic cops as long as there is money to be made from fines for breaking rules.In the city, we call that a dollar sign, cuz that`s all it`s there for, city dollars......