Do you believe psychedelics have transformed your life for the better/worse?


Well-Known Member
Could not disagree with Canndo more
I find people on a steady diet of hallucinogens tend to be bad ass. they have a hard time grasping YOUR reality, maybe. Psychonauts don't believe in magic, just magicians.
If you have the means to trip once a week, DO IT! what a great thing... and if you can handle more and still function that is even better. LIving in a Capitalist society that values material possessions so much is DILUSIONAL. Not LSD , and certainly not Mescaline. Thats much closer to reality than the modern world.

So, regular use of psychedelics is bad, daily use of pot is bad, but opiates for depression and pain is good?

if it was not clear before, canndo, I am not on the same page as you... probably not even in the same book. i


Well-Known Member
further more, FUCK Opiates. The most depraved and tired addicts I have seen are alcohol and opiate addicts. Opiates are not necessary for pain relief! There are so many other non-addictive pain pills that work just as good. Opiates slow down any healing process your body has. I know because I have had several surgeries on the same problem. Opiates will slow your healing by 3 weeks. Dirty fucking drug. im kinda mad about it now LOL.

NOthing takes away pain better than LSD


Well-Known Member
There is a vast gap between consciousness and 'reality'. Those people who think they live in 'reality' are quite deluded. They strut around with a puffed up chest saying "I live in reality".

No, you fucking live in consciousness and that consciousness is not nor ever will be reality. You grab a trunk, you grab a tail. You never see the elephant yet you claim to understand what it is.

Magic? Magic is the blind man who after taking LSD smells the elephant and comprehends it size and power without thinking it to be a rope, a snake or a tree trunk.


Well-Known Member
I trip very often,sometimes for fun,sometimes to think..I've never confused party time and my reality..reality for me is loving my family,going to work,music,friends,and tripping..some people have a 68 mustang to refurbish for a hobby..I have 68 hits of acid as a project..mind you ill choose to go to work or the garden before I trip,or if time permits,ill do both! I installed an attic full of insulation on 300ug the other night..but I had as at the beach so why not..I think when younger people trip,THAT'S when reality is skewed,for they know not what they do..or what has been done regarding psychedelics...they make it up as they go along..and the onlookers in reality question wether the drugs or the person are fucked up..


My experiences have taken me to beautiful places. And. Have learned a lot about life. But I have also drifted to places not so nice. But either way u learn. Some places just don't always have sunshine and rainbows


Well-Known Member
Why just the other day I touched reality, smelled it, saw it and licked it. It must be reality, what else could it be.

Snicker snicker.


Well-Known Member
I toured with The Dead in the early 90s for an entire summer and I can honestly say that I haven't been able to top this experience. If you've done this then you've truly witnessed what effects psychedelics have on people and on social groups in general.

I'd say that it's a Pandora's Box. Once you open it there's no going back... for better or for worse.
I have found that people who have been on a steady diet of hallucinogens tend to be dilusional, they have a hard time grasping reality as opposed to magic.
I've seen both extremes. I love psychedelics but they are things that are neither inherently good or inherently bad. I do believe they have more positive effects than negative effects on society. But they can be used irresponsibly and cause tremendous harm, just like any powerful tools.


Well-Known Member
Like the girl at my friends party who took liquid to be 'cool'...bad idea..she had no idea what she was in for..kinda stupid on her and my friends part..he shouldn't have dosed her and she should have know what it was she was doing...5 hours of her being miserable taught her something I hope..'just cuz were cool hippys doesn't mean you gotta be like us' is what I told her...


Well-Known Member
To continue the tool analogy, would you give power tools to someone without knowing if they could use them?


Well-Known Member
She was probably one of those types who doesn't like Sushi or Fight Club either. Some people just don't know how to have fun.

Tens of thousands of people were dosed up by researchers in the 60's including people with serious psychological issues. I wouldn't liken LSD to be a chainsaw. More like a crowbar.