Well-Known Member
But not "thinking" it does not make it necessarily not sole case and point throughout.Well Babs, I certainly don't think that "ghosts" represent any validation of an afterlife.
But not "thinking" it does not make it necessarily not sole case and point throughout.Well Babs, I certainly don't think that "ghosts" represent any validation of an afterlife.
Agreed, ignorance is bliss.Soooooo true...
....However where there is fiction there is fact.
Ignorance truely is bliss, I wish i was.![]()
Bring on the good ganja my friend and I'm there...I aint afraid of no ghosts.I've personally had some erie experiences and rest assured, my mind is certainly not weak....come on a visit with me to my guerilla garden at night on a full moon with me and I am assured you will change that statement... lots of MANA flowing in HI....
.....based on exactly who's take on probablility? Still same case and point.In the end it comes down to probabilities...and that's where your point of view leaves the tracks..... bon voyage.
Lol i wonder if ghosts can fart.....based on exactly who's take on probablility? Still same case and point.
yes......there are ghosts.....there is a house by where i used to live in nd.....anyway a little boy in a sailor outfit lives there..... one day me n my buddies were drivin house to house just fukin around till we got to this one soon as we got in the house it felt wierd.....but after geting inside the house for a lil bit we could hear little footsteps....then when we got to the kitchen of the house there was a shoe on the floor......brand new clean spotless.......anyway we let that go thinkin oh someone just came here with their walked further into the house.....but we could hear the footsteps every so often .....eventualy we searched the whole house and didnt find anything good....and as we were leaving through the kitchen again the shoe was gone.......anyway we made our way outside and got in my car.....and when we got in the car we looked at the 2nd story window and there he was....a lil boy with a sailor hat
another one that we used to check out( before kids destroyed it) one night we went there and all was normal .... inside was fine it was clean......yet abandoned (if u get wat i mean) but anyway as i left that house the curtains flew day me n another buddy went to the house and it was all torn up.......but for months the house was always diff......sometimes thered be curtains.....sometimes drapes.......sometimes at like 2 thered just be a light.....
but i have heard alot of bs stories too.......if u go here ar 4:20 she bill appear.............kiss my ass
.....based on exactly who's take on probablility? Still same case and point.
Cracker, when you alot a "bottom line" LOSE perspective.Based upon the probabilities of REALITY. The totality of life is not based on opinion. There are bottom lines.
Perspectives don't change probabilities. Probabilities changes perspective.
"Sigh".....dude, you just don't get it. I'm a 100 percent REALIST my friend.....note I have no need for calling you a douche---<rolling my eyes>-=Well, "now" you have said a mouthful. Of course there are explanations. You just don't have them, get it?
And that claim of Christians giving out Bibles "instead" of proclaimed yourself an expert on that claim---which is wrong.
And when you speak about Christianity's "filthy" history.....attempt to read about ISLAM's as well. You seem to not "get it" at all.
There ARE explanations. You just don't get to understand them all, so simple.
LOL Babs34, ure a 100% creationist! on top of the "my religion is good and islam is evil", you cant accept REAL explanations. when i bracket something as [THAT GUY WAS TRIPING], or [YET TO BE EXPLAINED], you bracket it as [PARANORMAL] or [DIVINE] or [SUPERNATURAL] without any attempt at figuring out the truth. youre one step away from telling me something like "that would be an ecumenical matter!" go eat a bible douche.
LOL Cracker, you have performed all of the extrinsic and at length studies, eh?There is a very very low probability of an after life. I can't break it down any simpler for you.... sorry.