Do you always have smoke?


Well-Known Member
For everyone who grows themselves - Do you tend to always have weed to smoke?

My main reason for starting my own grow is because I'm tired of only being able to score a small amount of SHITTY weed that only lasts me a week. And then I'm dry until I can find some more. I hate getting off a hard days work knowing I can't smoke a bowl when I get home. No reliable dealers and no quality weed. I'm gonna be growing Afghan Kush and Himalayan Gold for my first grow.

So... Do you always have stuff to smoke?


Well-Known Member
i always have smoke and whatever is leftover when the new harvest is ready goes into the hash bucket or butter and into the freezer for a rainy day


Well-Known Member
think thats why most ppl grow.. to have shit to smoke.. or to sell and get caught lol

it is just a pain to buy it from diff people, and u get scrued over ammounts

so growing is a good way, i know that shit feeling after a long hard day n get home just smokin helps so much to relax and go to sleep with no problems or aches...

not even gettin blayzed out my mind but just hit it up a bit to ease my mind

so that is my goal is to understand the concept of growing, and being able to smoke with friends and enjoy it.