Do you agree with Uncle Buck?

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I don't know what all this shit is about.......the dude who claims to be uncle buck now is not the real uncle buck !
The uncle buck that I knew was a damn simple seller of treadmills
who needs a treadmill, when you now have to walk to work, because of the price of gas, and can only afford to consume 6 oz. of pink slime a week............
after the 2016 election it all takes a big shit.............."Mom" will dry our tears.............

they needed Barak Hussein, to get the Muzzies to "extend their hand in peace," so they could shoot Hellfire missiles at them, and Shillary will put a maternal face on the public tit they want us all to suckle
I think some kid is pointing one of those laser pens through my window...........hold on.........

AP- local man killed in robbery attempt, blacks arrested
the modern Liberal is.............
My only problem is when you actually let people implement their ideas and then the Greek model gets replaced with the Spartan model who then execute the Greeks for improper Spartan behavior and honor.
ah.......but the Alexandrian Greek model.........what sayest thou? once the blood dried, he pushed for unity among the Greeks and Persians. Strength may be needed. I won't take Hobbes out, and shoot him yet. I wish to remove all coercion, and see what develops. it is the only point in the universe from which free will may be exercised to even decide how we will govern ourselves and society. true self-governance may be a shit-storm.......who really knows. but that needs to be risked, in the pursuit of man's true nature. wow......did I just blather all that? that'll cost me another 10 lbs. in my rucksack. need to sweat that out..........


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I'm taking him off my ignore list. But only because I am bored and need a good laugh. The minute he fucks up though ...
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