Do you agree with Uncle Buck?

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Yeah, but do you still have that red jacket
I still have hearing loss from seeing him and his brothers perform during their "Victory Tour"...
They had 6 towers of speakers which must've been 30+ feet tall. I can't even imagine what the wattage was in the system altogether.
Then there were the lasers...
do you think what he did was right. I really want to know your opinion . Mine is mixed
He saw something, he said something. He didn't run away to Russia either, the state department invalidated his passport while he was there to get on a connecting flight.
who's to say you even engage in excessive anal acts with gay people?

you may just be gay (read: happy) with whatever anal excesses, alone or with a female partner (unlikely as the latter may be), that happen to suit your fancy.

it's funny how you and antidis and muyloco have only ever called me a bigot or a racist even though we have had verified stormfront members and neo-nazis running around on this forum for months and years. when was the last time you bothered to call out your political ally bignbushy for his white supremacy views?


ouch, that hurts.

This coming from a guy that excitedly pronounced there was a dating section on the stormfront website? LOL!!! You are definitely more transparent than the Obama administration...
everyone seemed to love that thread, excluding of course the ass-achy racists on here.

Your response has no bearing as to why you spend so much time over on that website.

However, the deflection is understandable and predictable.

Delusion is a big part of the life of an Alcoholic...
Your response has no bearing as to why you spend so much time over on that website.

i like to go over to stormfront and find stuff that they've said that mirrors stuff that idiots like you say.

for example, your statement that minorities only voted for obama because he was half black is even too dumb for stormfront, despite its racist content. even the morons at stormfront realize that minorities vote for the democrat no matter his skin color.

Delusion is a big part of the life of an Alcoholic...

i'll take your word for it since you are speaking from experience.

an alcoholic racist that lives in apache junction. who would have thought!
"minorities vote for the democrat no matter his skin color."

thank you.

you motherfuckers would vote Stalin in.......if he joined the Democratic Party. oh, already did. if you are a fan of freedom, you're behind the wrong bull-pen.

"Uh, uh......Stalin was black? you're a big, dumb, racist." *drool*
"minorities vote for the democrat no matter his skin color."

thank you.

you motherfuckers would vote Stalin in.......if he joined the Democratic Party. oh, already did. if you are a fan of freedom, you're behind the wrong bull-pen.

i think it's more about how horrible your right wing ideas are, especially for minorities, women, defenseless animals, or anything that is not a white hetero christian male.
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