Do we still need to top a clone ?


Howzit everybody, silly question maybe ..... but do we still need to top a clone or will it grow like her mom ? (who has been topped)

I have been given a clone of a lovely white widow mother, who produced some exceptionally nice bud from an outdoor grow.

I have attached a photo of the mother and the clone. I am growing the clone indoors.



Well-Known Member
You need to think of the clone as being like a seedling. So yes, top, train, etc to get what you want.


Well-Known Member
It will grow differently if the mother was a seed plant. If it is a clone of a clone then they actually grow exactly the same under identical conditions. IMO All plants should be topped at least once clones or seed plants.


Well-Known Member
If you want it to grow like the mom you have to treat it like you did the mom. Topping, fert, environmental conditions etc.


Well-Known Member
Good question. Genetically your clones are identical to their mother/donor. So theoretically the offspring will mirror the mom. If you top/FIM the mom you can expect the offspring to need the same attention. Should be the same phenotype, eh? BigSteve.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
always keep the original seed plant or the 1st generation clone to make all you clones from. Just dont clone off a clone off a clone. A few of my friends did that and ruined their strain since the original mother was long gone. The 4 gen. was starting to get shitty and the 5th gen was horrible.


Thanks everybody. I rekon that I will flower this girl and then adventure into cloning, with some good seed. That way I know for sure, what strain and what generation she is.

Thanks again for all your advice.