Do u think music was better in the past?


Active Member
the mtv generation music really changed music..made it about looks and image and the talent became secondary....
can you imagine if rush or reo speedwagon or the cars tried to get a record deal now a days?
i listen to classic rock mostly, the top 40 radio is crap


Well-Known Member
Yea most artists now days sell out too easy. Back in the day you had to be pretty huge to sell out, but now you get one song on t.v. there making fuckin toys of you. I'm getting sick of this materialistic culture. On top of that, most music is pure crap! I was listening to some grindcore the other day and these people told me that the guy was saying he likes chicken and its good. Like what the hell is that compared to Zeppelin's or the Counting Crow's lyrics. The only good music with real meaningful lyrics are in the indie genre, and that genre is soo fucked up you cant find anything because it's too broad of a music genre. Instead of making new genres, I think they should start discovering new instruments because I'm tired of listening to the bands of today just totally shit on the instruments of the past.


Well-Known Member
No Quarter is a sick ass song. One of their best in my opinion. My favorite is Going To California though.


Well-Known Member
Fav by Floyd would be Wish You Were Here, and The Mars Volta are pretty sick, I seen them in concert and they were cool.


Well-Known Member
darkside of the moon is just one of those albums where you have to listen to it in its entirety. love it. first time i truly listening to it was trying to do darkside of the rainbow in my parents SUV (dvd player inside), and also one of the first times i got high.
ahh memories...


Well-Known Member
I played music for a career. Started in the 60's, retired in 02' . . . I rarely listen to any music anymore. I'm sure there's still great music in all genres out . . . it's just so much harder to sort through all the BS to find what one likes. All the bands I like have lost members to death . . . I mean, how do you replace "The Band" in your soul?
perfecty articulated. amos lee, amy whinehouse, modest mouse, john mayer,toni price and kathleen edwards a couple that come to mind. sooooo hard to find anyone with real talent. even a good "3 chords and the truth" rock band is hard to come by.


Well-Known Member
yea,i wish i grew up in the 80s or 70s idk its just this music blows,compared to everyone else from the old days.I mean I listen to all the music my mom likes and Adam Sandler listens to,kind of funny his fav band of all tiem is styx


Well-Known Member
what about all this amazing rap that is being pumped out? INSTANT CLASSICS!


Active Member
Basically, it's like the music industry just drank a lot, had fun, and now they're piss-drunk, puking. Only a select few keep it together and help music stand up, so's it doesn't fall face first in it's own vomit.


Well-Known Member
I like music from back then much more. My guess is its not really any better, bad music just doesn't survive 20 years lol. Every once in a while i hear a new band I like but generally I listen to music older than me lol. Hopefully we will have some new music revolution or something but i doubt it. Everything sounds the same now, I haven't hard anything original that actually sounded good in a long time.


Well-Known Member
Rap just aint what it used to be. It seems like everybodies a walking advertisement for everything they say in there in there song but everything will change once killuminoti returns