Do u Burp Jars, If theres no moisture?

I got like 20 1oz jars filled with chonic i just dryed and now put intojars. I been burping the jars every 12 hours for last 2 days. last 24 hours the jars have had no moisture or anything i can tell. I was Wondering if there is none.. Do i have to burb the jars.. Can i just leave them with out burping for like 2 weeks or what??????????/


Active Member
I have mine burping on my desk right now lol. I just do it tell they get like a little dry and then put the lid back on. I have never burped for 12 hours like 30 minutes at the most


Active Member
I am curious to see what every1's input is on this. I myself am wondering. I have The Church and Lemon Skunk, in which I actually JUST finished jarring right now. I hung the the whole stems for 6 days until the stems would just crack. The buds had been brittle for a couple of days, already. Then I stuck the buds in a paper bag for 3 days, and it really started to stink 2 today. And like I said, I just finished jarring them. It's sorta smokable. It has a pretty good taste but it's not what I want. I mean it starts off with that headies, delicious, $60 an eighth bud taste, but a few tokes in, it starts having a weird harsh taste, which is, what I assume is Chlorophyll(Oh yeah, my girls were flushed for 8 days). Now my buds feel really brittle, and when I crack a bud it just snaps off. But I know in a few days, in the jar, an those buds will soften up. But I doubt there will be any moisture in my jar. So I'm curious to see if u do have to burp the jars often. It would make sense not to burp them as often if the bud wasn't creating moisture. Hear me out(and please if this isn't right please, I'm speaking on my opinion and not anything I can prove) We're trying to extract the moisture from within the bud. If the bud isn't sweating that moisture, it'll take forever for it to actually dry. But if we wait a couple of days and allow that bud to moisten a little and burp the jar for 10-30 minutes. And I've even had people say that when we burp the jars we should actually, carefully take the buds out, let them sit for a sec outside the jar, then put them back in the jar switching the buds around. For example, what was on top in the jar place in the bottom. Switch the buds around in the jar. i actually did that my last cure and it seemed to work, BUT I didn't have enough bud to last through a whole cure, so I'm sure it got tastier, than a 2 week cure. This time I am going to have patience.......... I hope:roll:! I actually got 4oz in the jars, so I think I'll be good this time. Damn. This is what happens when u blaze and get on here. I didn't mean to jack anyone's thread. I was just sharing how I dry my girls and am hoping to get some answers about this thread. :peace::blsmoke:


i stop burping them once they are to the desired dryness.

nice avitar fdd. not that i like to argue with you but burping jars does more then just dry them more. it releases chloraphyll. but after 2 weeks or so most of it is gone. the rest will leave when you open your jar to grab a nugg or w/e


Well-Known Member
ive read too many methods on the drying/curing process. i dont know what to believe anymore. the "leave plants hang till stem snaps" technique left my buds to turn so hard and crisp that they never did anything in the jars. alot of post that i read people are totally against putting moist buds in a jar. it makes sense to me but i am still unsure of which route to go.


i like to start cure when the stems bend and crack but not break all the way. a little moisture is ok and is needed. a good slow cure is best
were gonna give it another shot. this time it will go into jars a bit faster than last time.[/QUOTE

I hang dry mine tell the out side leafts of the buds are crispy.. steams still bend. I then place them in paper bags for 1-2 days or tell the nugs are spongy. As in when u press them they spring back slowly to puffyness. My nugs are 4 days into curing and the lovly smell is coming out of the nugs nicely.. But i still have to try dry it some to smoke it. BUT GOD dame do u get high LOL. So i guess ill jst burp 1 time a day.. let out what evers in there.
I♥BUD;3264033 said:
So if I've over dried mine I can add a piece of lettuce and just get it soft again?
I add slices of orange peal or lime peals fresh 1s. And be sure when ur burping jars... dont take them from ur 70 degree house to say like 40degrees out side.. Condensation will happen and u will probly automaticly see mostiure gathering at the top of ur jars.. even when there closed.


Active Member
I add slices of orange peal or lime peals fresh 1s. And be sure when ur burping jars... dont take them from ur 70 degree house to say like 40degrees out side.. Condensation will happen and u will probly automaticly see mostiure gathering at the top of ur jars.. even when there closed.
So check this out. It's been 3 days since I jarred my yummies. Bud still feels really dry. When I snap the bud it just snaps. But when I start breaking the buds up, it gets sticky in the middle of the bud. should I keep my jars w/o opening for a few days to get that moisture out or should I moisten the buds and start the drying/curing over? Thanks!:peace:


Well-Known Member
I♥BUD;3274495 said:
So check this out. It's been 3 days since I jarred my yummies. Bud still feels really dry. When I snap the bud it just snaps. But when I start breaking the buds up, it gets sticky in the middle of the bud. should I keep my jars w/o opening for a few days to get that moisture out or should I moisten the buds and start the drying/curing over? Thanks!:peace:
you aren't making sense. you say it's moist but you want to moisten it. :neutral:

why not just smoke it. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I just went to burp a jar today that was still too moist yesterday and all of the buds have mold on them? looks more like white powdery mildew anyone know how serious that stuff is? I don't really want to smoke it tho some of them are just a little white, can I use it for oil?


Well-Known Member
White powder mildew. That sucks ass, and not the good kind. You need to dry them as quickly as possible. When i dry, i put my freshly cut and cleaned buds (no stems) into a plastic tub and put a thin cloth over it and have a big fan blast it for about a week, stirring them 2x a day. It takes about a week to dry them enough to cure them. In your case, it may only take a day, but you have to kill the moisture souce or the mildew will just keep creeping.

White powder mildew is naturally occuring and poses no major health hazard, but it will make your weed crumble and lose potency.


Active Member
ya i also hung mine untill the stem snapped and when i jarred them the just stayed crispy-too crispy... I jarred my 2nd batch today and left a lil more moisture in them. The other smoke was pretty harsh, then again it was pretty leafy also. Will see but I have read hundreds of posts about waiting for the steam to snap and it just seems like that is a not the way to go.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
White powder mildew. That sucks ass, and not the good kind. You need to dry them as quickly as possible. When i dry, i put my freshly cut and cleaned buds (no stems) into a plastic tub and put a thin cloth over it and have a big fan blast it for about a week, stirring them 2x a day. It takes about a week to dry them enough to cure them. In your case, it may only take a day, but you have to kill the moisture souce or the mildew will just keep creeping.

White powder mildew is naturally occuring and poses no major health hazard, but it will make your weed crumble and lose potency.
Fast drying is the worst thing you can do, and mold and mildew are a health hazard. :roll:

"The cure lasts a week or two. The aim of what you are doing is evenly finishing the slow dry process, so that mold will not grow when the buds are stored long term. Also, by the end of the cure, any remaining inactive THC will be converted to active THC (that increases potency)."


Well-Known Member
I tossed it! Hazard or not. I've dried and cured many of times this one jar got past with too much moisture I know what and why it happened just not what to do with it.