do they scan the whole state with flir


Active Member
Do they skip around or do they search every county over the whole thing? And do you think I'd be ok if I grow 20 plants and grow 10 in two spots?


Active Member
I think you should spread it out more bro, 10 together can be noticable easily from a plane or hellicopter.


Active Member
do you understand the science of flir? i dont want to insult anyone but i have read an enormous load of bullsh#t on this forum about flir technology. if you dont know how it works then you need to educate yourself. my uncle spent a few years in prison for his lack of insight. my father in law is an airial spotter for the DEA. you would not believe the stories people tell when they get i didn't know you could see through walls (insert sobbing here).

flir works in a specific way and unless your grow is setup that way flir wont work. so how are you growing?


Active Member
i heard flir dont spot plants outside. the only way they know there are plants outside is that the green leaves look different compared to the surroundings so one plant here and there shouldnt stick out like ten to five in one spot will and flir dont see threw walls but some ppl with bigger grows put there exhaust blowing outside and the flir will see the heat comeing from that exhuast i got my stealth box in basement where its cooler for one and will be putting them outside and i aint worried one bit going to spread them out..... thats my two scents


Active Member
northeastern what do you do to the soil before you plant your plant... work it up?? add diff soil?? still use nutes when there outside?? this will be my first outdoor grow so i need alittle insight on it if you could thanks bud!!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
The only way that FLIR is going to be effective is if your venting out hot air. It doesn't see through walls it sees the heat being exhausted in a strange way like out a window or something. Go on youtube and watch some videos and see them in action and make sure your grow is properly exhausted you should be fine. Technically, it's illegal for them to go around and use the flir randomly to catch growers but if they are using the flir for other reasons and see your grow through it they may be able to investigate and get a search warrant but generally, if the cops are following the laws and proper procedures, you need a warrant to use it for detecting grow ops I think.


Active Member
wow now thats hell of a operation moth balls and soap brilliant bud bad thing for me i deer hunt the land im plant on and its only 3 wooded acres gotta try that one tho fa sho!!! so you work in that pro mix??? nice


Active Member
I thought bud plants put off there own frequency of light so I think they can pick up on them outside I'm just wondering if they search every county say in missouri or do they circulate them?


Active Member
The only way that FLIR is going to be effective is if your venting out hot air. It doesn't see through walls it sees the heat being exhausted in a strange way like out a window or something. Go on youtube and watch some videos and see them in action and make sure your grow is properly exhausted you should be fine.

Technically, it's illegal for them to go around and use the flir randomly to catch growers but if they are using the flir for other reasons and see your grow through it they may be able to investigate and get a search warrant but generally, if the cops are following the laws and proper procedures, you need a warrant to use it for detecting grow ops I think.

ALL TRUE... however, if the cops suspect you of growng, it is an easy thing to simply fabricate reasons to take a closer look. IE... the fire marshall gets a call from his friend at the cop shop so he goes to out the house to check a fire code. When he gets there he smells the super dank skunk and then makes a report back to the cop buddy who does a scan(actually did a week ago). boom!!! search warrant ..... end of your story.

get educated......


Active Member
I thought bud plants put off there own frequency of light so I think they can pick up on them outside ?
yes using spectrall analisys. but it is rare dificult and exspensive. spotters rely on visual id to spot mj from the air and flir to see a hot spot for indoor


Active Member
ya thats all true fa sho the one thing to remember is when your growing is these two rules 1 dont tell anyone your growing 2 dont forget rule one

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
OMFG, i was just looking up a video of this technology and found this....

its a car chase then the suspect gets a shotgun and shoots himself in the head at "58 sec" and all u can really see is the heat of his brains shoot around...... crazy

Holy fuck that shit is crazy. His brains fly pretty damn far though. It really musthave made a mess on the house, you can see it go every where.
