do these plants look okay? 3 week pld white widows with pics


New Member
i jus wanted to put a couple pics up of my 2 lil white widow babies and was hopin i could get some insight on whether or not you all think they look healthy and if theyre doing okay. im using ocean forest soil, and have recently started givin em growbig, bigbloom, superthrive, and magi-cal. yesterday i gave em a foliar feeding of magi-cal and today a foliar feeding of liquid seakelp. i also wateded with some enzymes i was told would help the root growth today. any comments wud be appreicated. im a newbie but im tryin real hard 2 learn the craft. theyre 3 weeks old



New Member
um to be honest with you they dont look that good i think you are doing way too much too them stop foliar feeding them they are really not old enough for that and can still accept alot of nutes thru the roots and u really should be using grow big in veg growth only you dont need all that other stuff its in good soil is it indoor or outdoor???


Well-Known Member
they are alive and green, thats good... but yeah they are burnt, so i would cool it on the feeding...... they look like they will be great plants tho, just give em some time and less nutes... they'll bounce back


New Member
pretty sure its your nutes too early, also check your ph
ph is def under control, took me a while to understand and learn how to get the right ph, but after buying a shitty ph meter on ebay and feeling like i was throwing my money out the window, i got this vial with a drop solution at my local hydro store.

im gonna back off on nutes and let nature take its course, leave em under the metal halide 24/7 and properly water them and hope it all works out. if god's plan was to include these babies in my life, and have me some great smoke, it will pan out that way in the end.

i thank the god lord jesus the allmighty for marijuana and the smoke that shall cometh from my mouth in the future. in the lord's name i pray that he spares my white widow plants and allows me to make it through the vegetative stage, through flowering, and all the way to harvest. i will bask in the glory of my accomplishments if he so intends it. Through miracles of life, from seed to stem, we witness the power in his glory. So please brother's pray for my plants and their survival, through the power of the allmighty may my buds be big, and dank, and covered with crystals that resemble his beauty. This is what I ask for. In Christ Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

There. That should do it, right?


Well-Known Member
i have ww growing now ,no nutes ,other than some blood&bone and worm castings ,both small amounts mixed with coco coir and hydroton ,they look a lot larger than those ,but hard to tell from pics, i do very little until they really take off ,less can sometimes be best ,especially when young ,they just dont need to much .


New Member
the plant with the problem after flushing now a few days later looks like this

any suggestions on what i can do? does this guy have any hope?


Well-Known Member
ugh that looks terrible I'm sure that there is hope just let it go for a few days what are the temps in your room and humidity?


Well-Known Member
just hope you dont end up with 2 males i grew these huge ass trees and went to flower and both plants where male i was like shit ...


New Member
no humidity, its a closet drow, in an air conditioned room. the closet door was ripped off, and there's a tarp covering doorway, left partially open at all times, with 2 fans going in there.

scottish guy

Active Member
no my friend you seem to be a well learn't beginner! and yea sea kelp is very good for enzymes, keeping your rooting system health'y. e.t.c.
on an other note can i ask you where in U.K. you are in? i'm in edinburgh, but there is a resin i ask and don't wish to put it on here,"it is a question of strain" i know it sounds loud ma pal but you help would be so appreciate

scottish guy

Active Member
oh! i'm so sorry re-your pics, i'm not just saying this but i can tell very young but because the nodes are at that young ,seem to intend they will grow good and strong = a nice t.h.c. content ; ) no them babys should do you proud! friend "good luck!"

scottish guy

Active Member
yep! every nite afore i lay my head apon thy pillow......i go into my grow room here in bonnie scotland and i pray,pray,pray...i was rotflmao at your religlous reply it funny as...; )