do these look ok?

i have 4 hindu kush and 4 purple kush. the purple are doing just fine but the hindus aren't. they look unhealthy compared to the purple kush.

pkush on left



group shot hk on left pk on right


purple topped

hindu fimd


Well-Known Member
They look great

the hindu looks like it's having a few issues but the other plants looks lush and green, what are you feeding them?


Active Member
they look good to me. I have noticed slight color differences with mine as well. Could be a difference in the strains. Best of luck. Keep us updated.


Well-Known Member
They look great

the hindu looks like it's having a few issues but the other plants looks lush and green, what are you feeding them?
i would say let it dry out.. just looks like a little to much water... them bags stay pretty moist at the bottom
okay then maybe ill turn down the exhaust fan to very little so it warms up in the tent. the bags dont dry out but the smart pots do. so i might put the hindus into 3 gallon smart pots

and i am feeding flora duo.


Well-Known Member
Lets try less water. Could be over water you think guys for the hindu? Purple kush looks good!