do these look ok for 4 weeks flower


Well-Known Member
CIMG0977.jpgCIMG0975.jpgCIMG0979.jpghi guys/ girls. just one question. do you think the plants look at the right stage for 4 weeks flower. blz at back. berry skunk in middle. and white ice at front.ignore the hygrometer it broke
yea they look awesome it looks like they might be having a little bit of a nitrogen problem but that might be just becuase of the light. are your leaves yellowing?


Well-Known Member
They look more advanced than my girl I have just coming up to week 5 flower. Nice going.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply collieman. yes there yellowing just a little i think its just because there getting older not to sure. its mostly the light makeing them look more yellow than they are
the white ice will be ready in 4 weeks. and the blz and berry skunk have about 5/6 weeks left. im glad they look ok its my first proper grow with all the set up. using dutch pro nutes + dutch pro explode


Well-Known Member
thanks for replying deetee and bigby. think ill up the nutes just a little. i remember all the help you give me deetee on some lowriders i had a while ago. dont think ill be growing them again.
bigby some nice looking girls there.


Well-Known Member
hi guys/ girls. just one question. do you think the plants look at the right stage for 4 weeks flower. blz at back. berry skunk in middle. and white ice at front.ignore the hygrometer it broke
They look just beautiful. Great job!


Active Member
Yah, lokking good. and it its the hps making it look n defficient. hps also bring out any yelowing of leaves (dope is a leafy plant, and in fall leaves change color) it dosent happen with every strain but its not a biggie for the leaves to change as season goes on.

my mentors strains fans go reddish if you flower under a metal halide. Metal halided especially bring out blues, purlples, reda and any other color.

i havent obtained em yet, but somas rockbud has red leaves in some pictures and sounds dope. im gonna look into them

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Keep it up buddy, wee bump in feed maybe 150 PPM's increase should do. You're going to be one chuffed man come 6 weeks.