Do these look like girls to you ?


Active Member
Hey guys, so my plants are in flowering for 2 weeks now, as of 2 days ago I saw some action happening at the nodes, but this being my first grow ever I can't be sure of sexing correctly, so today I took some pics .
From what I see I think that both plants are females, but would need your expert eye on this.
Please let me know ;)



Active Member
Hey Polo, to answer your questions.
I know the plants look to young to be in flowering but I assure you they have been in 18/6 from seedling for 3 weeks and then switched to flowering. They are as of today 2 weeks into 12/12.
They are so underdeveloped because I used some bad soil, and poor lighting due to me being a total noob on growing , so I uploaded 2 close ups so you can see better what is happening.



Re veg them mate, if they are female.What's the point in going through the whole flower process for a tiny amount of bud?


Active Member
Hey Tensing, I understand your reasoning, and believe me I will do proper growing with full time veg and good lighting and all that once I finish this first grow and build myself a decent grow box.
To me now its very important to see if I can go all the way to producing bud, especially since i am using bag seed (and I still got like 70 seeds left), and I plan on using them all :D .
So from the pics could anyone tell me if those are female parts developing on the nodes ? or are they just new leaves growing ?
Im very excited that my plants could start developing some bud but Im also worried that they could be just leaves growing and will still have to wait a long time till I see some bud developing .


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so my plants are in flowering for 2 weeks now, as of 2 days ago I saw some action happening at the nodes, but this being my first grow ever I can't be sure of sexing correctly, so today I took some pics .
From what I see I think that both plants are females, but would need your expert eye on this.
Please let me know ;)
impossible to tell , from these photos and this early i would say i recon the first plant might be but not def about that
the 2 nd plant has leaf canouing heat

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
It's to early to tell yet. They were most likely not mature when you put them in to flower mode. It will probably be a while before they show sex. The second plant look to be to much water and a ph problem if you don't fix it then your plant won't make it to harvest. The first one looks ok. It usually take about 5 weeks to show sex in veg. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Wow! I don't even know where to start......

Flowering for 2 weeks? Is that seedling even 2 weeks old? Is this a 12/12 from seed?

You know what? I'm gonna stop right there..,.........

One word, research.

I'm with Polo the Don on this one, do some research, it will prevent you from being flamed here on RIU. IT is obvious that you really need to pick up a book or two, I suggest any grow guide by Ed Rosenthal or Jorge Cervantes(which is not his real name), but the one he uses to sell his books.


Well-Known Member
int this what the sites for nothing wrong other than too much heat dude,try and keep the temps down.

Just get the temps down the leaves are not copeing with the heat from light,and drying out.
have you been misting while there in the room with lights


Active Member
I know its not gonna be lb's at harvest :D that would be a miracle haha.
Temps are not that high, and the plant that looks ill was actually a lot worse, for a time I was afraid it was going to die on me, but it still lives. I have to buy a lot of stuff to improve my grow but if I get one of the plants to harvest that would be a good lesson for me and for the future of my grows, and I would be happy just to get the experience all the way.
BTW I also have a seedling that sprouted like a week ago and it has been siting in the same box at 12/12 from day 1, for how many week does a seedling normally take to "mature" to the point where it can start developing buds ? I know you can do 12/12 from seed and with great results, just that the plant will take a bit more that the normal flowering period, anyone got any ideas on this ?


Well-Known Member
I flower on the size a seedling is ready to go at about 4/5 week about 1 1/2 ft,

But go on the height of your room,because its no good doing a 2 ft plant when you only have 3 ft height.

Eg - if your room is 3 ft tall with out the plants hitting the lights you be fine to flower at 12".
But there is a lot of factors in that how many you doing.What light are ya useing to flower

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
I would do some lst. In a circle around the pot this would give you plenty of time to veg and would keep your plants at a good size.