Do these look healthy?

the leaves still seem to be discoloring. Especially on the one in the last two pictures. And should there be more growth over 24hrs in the seedling stage?
It is in 70/30 coco perlite, i buffered the coco and am feeding low dose of GH flora trio. I’ve been giving about 100ml of feed including calmag once per day when the lights come on. This is my first grow so I am completely unaware of what is happening. temps are good, humidity is alright, I’ve been adding plastic bottles on top of it gets too low. The dose of cal mag I added when buffering was quiet low. Does it look like that may be the cause?
They're too little for all of that. Your soil probably has enough of what they need to grow and there's no need to add calmag or any feeding right now.

Just give them water when the soil has dried (put your finger in the soil to check) and give them enough light and warm. Check on them for a few days see if they recover
They're too little for all of that. Your soil probably has enough of what they need to grow and there's no need to add calmag or any feeding right now.

Just give them water when the soil has dried (put your finger in the soil to check) and give them enough light and warm. Check on them for a few days see if they recover
But hes not in soil, hes in coco/perlite which is inert
thank you, could it be a calcium or magnesium deficiency causing the discoloration? The new growth is looking like a much lighter green/yellow but it is too small for the camera to focus, hopefully tomorrow.
I don't think this is a deficiency, more like a nutrient burn, wrong pH, or watering issue. But I wouldn't want to miss guide you
Good amount of holes, but I haven’t felt the coco dry up much at all the entire time. pHing as close as I can get to 5.9-6, I’d say it’s been above 6.2 most feeds
Have a read through this buddy, should help!

Thanks man, you’ve been tons of help, I appreciate it. Starting tomorrow I’ll feed with a lower pH and test the medium again and bring it down, should this next feed be quiet large to flush it? I’ll lower the amount I’m giving to them after this next feed if I have to. I’m going to add a few more holes for drainage too. Again, thank you.