Do these look healthy to you???


Active Member
I started them like 3 weeks and 5 days ago.

I see drooping leaves and I have no idea what to do (first time grower)

can someone please help me? :confused: :confused: :confused:

also i have them on a 24/0 schedule that could possibly be the problem but I'm not entirely sure

so anyone that can help please do I really don't wanna lose these




Well-Known Member
I started them like 3 weeks and 5 days ago.

I see drooping leaves and I have no idea what to do (first time grower)

can someone please help me? :confused: :confused: :confused:

also i have them on a 24/0 schedule that could possibly be the problem but I'm not entirely sure

so anyone that can help please do I really don't wanna lose these

whats that soil you have them in?...yea i like to give the plants a dark cycle since this is more natural some say it doesn't matter..i'd go with 18/6 personally, that always seems to help keep plants happy


Active Member
wildfire is right 18/6 is more natural. ur dirt looks like shit u find under old carpet. get some real dirt. no nutes yet either. and when u get good dirt water it. peace


Well-Known Member
wildfire is right 18/6 is more natural. ur dirt looks like shit u find under old carpet. get some real dirt. no nutes yet either. and when u get good dirt water it. peace
yea this is what had me concerned too. needs some bat guano, blood meal, vermiculite and pertlite in that dirt!


Active Member
I am getting some good potting soil, I just wonder would it be wise to just move them from that dirt to better dirt or should i just start over?

And thanx for the advice it helps me so much.


Well-Known Member
Yes move them to better dirt,,, wait until dirt is fairly dry, then try to gently shake as much of that dirt out of the root system, then put in good soil,,,,,,,,, also,, move you light, (whatever that may be) closer to the top of your plants.........GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PROJECT........:weed:


Well-Known Member
thats not soil,,, thats desert sand........:weed:
I started them like 3 weeks and 5 days ago.

I see drooping leaves and I have no idea what to do (first time grower)

can someone please help me? :confused: :confused: :confused:

also i have them on a 24/0 schedule that could possibly be the problem but I'm not entirely sure

so anyone that can help please do I really don't wanna lose these



Active Member
Thank you very much Apasunee, that is exactly what i needed to know Because i don't really know how to transplant, the only worry i have is that the hole structure of it all would break because its not very thick

Once I have done this I will update with new pics of the plants

I still have one question (sorry but i am a newbie) is a 1 100 watt Fluorescent Soft Bulb good for the two of my plants or should I get more?


Well-Known Member
You should transplant with the correct PHed water,, should be around 6.5 give or take .2 or .3,,,, try to put some kind of rooting solution in the water (you can get from home depot or walmart) and you should use a 1/4 tsp of superthrive to 1 gallon of PHed water and you are golden,,, your plant will probably go into shock for a couple of days or so, so dont worry if it stops growing for that period of time,,,, but when it starts growing again you will see drastic results, again,, good luck with that......


Well-Known Member
That dirt looks grim.. get some good potting soil..a lot will have promoix/perlite already in that saves $$... Just start there... water every 3-4 days at that size... and no nute for 1st month..
No reason to start over as they seem pretty healthy..a little stretched but so what... usually two things screw small plants..too much water/nutes.. Get the soil..repot ...they should be fine... Luck...


Well-Known Member
If you dont have much funds,, just keep gettin 1 light at a time when you go to the store,,,,, You will definately need more light and put the light about 2 inches from the top leaves(close)...... goood luck:joint:


Active Member
Thanks so much Apasunee, you've been a great help. After what you've told me I'm going to go to home depot on Sunday and get all that stuff. You are really a good help; as well as, all the others I thank you. =)

Oh I also looked into adding ashes to your soil, does that really work?