Do these cuttings look ok

Do these cuttings look fine to you guys these have been in for about a week now all have a decent rooting system they just look like the leaves are starting to brown, and have a purple tint round the outside of the leaves, any help would be great thanks.


Well-Known Member
not enough nutes and too much water and light intensity could be a possibility from what i can see. what is your set-up, is that coco?


Well-Known Member
give them full strength a and b that canna start is a load of bollocks! unfortunately you got had there mate, it's ok for baby seedlings but so is half stength a and b.

give them 4ml/l of a and b and they might have a chance


Well-Known Member
These plants look terrible due to poor cloning technique and a very unhealthy mother plant. Growing is hard enough without start behind the eightball with these mongrel looking things.


Active Member
Waybaked any ideas on what the problem is and any solutions for them any help would be great first time growing
If you haven't given them any nutes, I would try giving them a 1/2 strength veg nute solution.

I have no experience in coco though so I can't help much, sorry.

I hope you can get those ladies looking pretty again!


Well-Known Member
Picture 050.jpgPicture.jpgive got to agree with way baked they will start growing you might loose a couple but be patient & dont get wild with the nutes as they dont require much this early in life they always seem to look their worse before they start growing & ive seen & done much worse
Nice 1 guys I followed ghb's advice and nearly all have come on really well I will post pictures when I am back home later, thanks to all of yaz for ya input guys.


Well-Known Member
coco is not like soil there is nothing in the coco that can keep a cutting going,start cutting in a compost,and start on a 1.1 has soon has ya have a few roots.the purple coulour is caused by the lack of nutes start of like i say on 1,1 ec second week 1.2 third week 1,3 fourth 1.4 thats veg.i use coco but all ways get cuttings going in rock wool,then straight into coco once rooted but if im doing clones for next crop then i will put them into something like bio bizz once roots are through cubes till crop done and there ready to go


Well-Known Member
Picture 034.jpgPicture 086.jpgok here is pics of my cuttings about a week later ph 5.8 1/2 strength & cal-mag as the mfg. directions clones often look their worse before they take off im using a 4 bulb t-5s after theyve rooted