Do these buds look ready to be harvested?


Active Member
thanks everyone... so i just looked at them today and the ones that look the most done are growing new pistils at the very top... does this mean they deff arent done yet?


Active Member
dont listen to those people...... let them go the 18 days i told you too... its always better to let them go long, and all the real growers know this
this guy knows what hes talking about. personally i would wait 2 weeks and see how they look. once the plant reaches its peak it potency, it will take a very long time before it noticeably starts degrading. later is almost always better. remember, 2 weeks before harvest water with only water, no nutrients. flush for even 3 weeks if you want to. leach all them chemicals out of there. your shit will taste much better that way. also remember, you dont have to harvest all at once. after you do harvest, you can keep some on for a longer period of time to see the difference.

thanks everyone... so i just looked at them today and the ones that look the most done are growing new pistils at the very top... does this mean they deff arent done yet?
you are correct, they're deff not done. you will thank yourself for the wait!


Active Member
cool thanks alot man.. any clue why the buds are so small?
could be a number of things. have your plants been close enough to the light? how old is your bulb, do you have a light meter to test to make sure it is still putting out a sufficient amount of lumens? also remember, different strains have different yields. could also be a nutrition imbalance. good luck! hope you have a great harvest when the time comes.