Do roots heal better in wet moist or dry soil? + can the stem be burnt?


Well-Known Member
alright so i have 3 questions

I just transplanted a plant and it started to droop a bit right away, the soil is kinda moist at the middle/bottom a bit dry on top, should I leave leave it the way it is or water it a bit?

this question is pretty stupid but lets say your nute water gets on the stem while your watering, any chance the stem can be burnt by nutes or the sun/lights?

how long does it take for nutes to work?


Well-Known Member
another question: should i put the newly transplanted plant under lights or will it heal better if i put it in a dark place for a while?


Well-Known Member
add some god damm water man!!!! it happen to me too feel moist but top part in a Bit dry but my plant was gettin worst untill i add water and the plant perk up in about 1hr


Well-Known Member
alright thanks, Ill water a bit now, can i get some answers on the other questions
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