Do people transport with Greyhound?


Well-Known Member
hehehe not here to argue , u can think whatever u like , u know what they saying opinions r like ass holes , everybody have one heheheheh u r in title of urs , but lot's of ppl use that trick and feedback was great but what i know lol

Neways UncleBuck funny avatar , i didn't know that we have politicians on a site :D

not opinion, it's been empirically tested.
Public transport sounds like a bag of snakes. Probably was the way to go twenty years ago, but not today.

Just to throw it out there; why not sell locally? I mean, you may get way more in another state, but your risk goes through the roof. How much more is it really bringing? Seriously, I mean that as a question, not as advice. Is it really worth that much more wherever you are going?