do people really randomly put on their friends dirty pants?


Well-Known Member
i'm watching COPS and dude swears ... "these aren't my pants, i didn't even know that was in my pocket."

i see them saying this A LOT.



a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
putting on some one elses pants allows the drug user to walk freely throughout the neighbor hood with drugs. cant get in trouble cuz its not his shit. its his budies.
the guy should win at trial.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
try putting on another mans dirty underware to move product around town. tough job but in the right situation well worth the risk off unfathomable jock itch. just remember the key words. officer these aint my droors.


Well-Known Member
haha, i just saw someone try to say that when they got busted w/ectasy(on tv). i dont trust trutv at all but it seems like a real legitimate cops like show(vegas strip is the name of it). guy also said he'd been wearing those clothes the last 5 days w/o ever looking in the pockets and noticing. funny as hell. cop also said if he had a nickel for everytime he heard that he wouldnt have to be a cop no more. lol.


Well-Known Member
it depends on where you live i think .....(not a pause, talking to ......, at first i thought that too but then i remembered some members from other countries discussing laws and them saying that in some country/countries its not enough that you were found in possesion, you have to be in possesion and Know you are possesing it. in the u.s. here no way it would ever work, i agree.


Well-Known Member
I frequently wear my crush's sweatpants around the house or to go to the convenience store/pick up. I ALWAYS have weed on my person, and often go get his for him, but I never thought of using the 'these aren't my pants' excuse...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
If I ever had a false leg i'd hollow it out and stash it with drugs....

do you think the cops would search my leg? :lol:

Or I could be like...." UHHH... IT'S NOT MY LEG :shock:"


Well-Known Member
i'm watching COPS and dude swears ... "these aren't my pants, i didn't even know that was in my pocket."

i see them saying this A LOT.



That's fucking classic fdd. That's like the #1 excuse.. I watch COPS all the time and I hear people come up with that excuse quite often, total classic, lol.

Cop: Turn around and face the car and put your hands on the roof
*cop begins searching the defendant*
Cop: Oh, well.. well.. well.... whats this in your pocket? Oh, well looky here! It's a crack pipe!

Defendant: Huh? Crack pipe!?! Ahhhh man, damn.. you know that aint mine! You must have put it in my pocket when you were searching me!
Cop: No sir, I didn't put anything in your pocket or pockets.. this is all you buddy.
Defendant: NAH man! These are my friends pants.. they aint even mine fool.
Cop: Oh, alright.. so you wear your friends pants all the time? Make a habit of it often?!
Defendant: Nah man.. just tonight. I was at a party, and some how lost my pants.. so I just put on the first pair of pants I could find..
Cop: and there just happens to be a crack pipe in the pocket too eh?
Defendant: I guess so man..
Cop: Eh, I think I've arrested you a few times before.. for crack possession
Defendant: Nah brah, that wasn't me man.. wasn't me.

LMAO, total classic!

Let me break this down for all you kids/teens around this site. If you ever get caught with cannabis or a glass pipe.. just tell the popo the truth man. You'd be surprised at how far the truth will go and how far it will take you. 60 to 70% of the time, if your honest with the cops.. and you just have like a little amount on you... 70% of the time, as long as your honest right from the beginning with the cop, you have a 60% chance of the cop possibly making you dump out the marijuana or crushing your pipe.. getting a ticket (summons to court - instead of going to jail that night and having your car impounded) and getting the chance to go home, instead of jail.

Just trying to help educate you young people.



Well-Known Member
If I ever had a false leg i'd hollow it out and stash it with drugs....

do you think the cops would search my leg? :lol:

Or I could be like...." UHHH... IT'S NOT MY LEG :shock:"

LMFAO! Nice! Classic too!

"No sir! Those drugs in that hollowed out leg aren't mine! I swear! Hell, that's not even my leg! It's my friends!

ROFL... ahhh man, its too early to laugh this hard.. hehehe.



Well-Known Member
If I ever had a false leg i'd hollow it out and stash it with drugs....

do you think the cops would search my leg? :lol:
If I ever had a false leg I would stash it with someone else's pants with drugs in the pockets. Then I could just stick to the original story...they ain't my pants

Or I could be like...." UHHH... IT'S NOT MY LEG :shock:"
If I had a false leg I'd stash it with someone else's pants with the drugs in the pockets. Then I could stick to..."they ain't my pants".