Do people lie about their yeilds


Well-Known Member
Yes, I am seeing alot of people who claim 1gpw..on their first 5 five grows. I really find that very very hard to believe.

What makes it even harder is they use GHE nutes..

I mean I was so shyt in the beginning and I am not a dumb guy. Its only now after 2 years indoor, that I am dialing in my skills.


Well-Known Member
I'll be honest, I've often yielded anywhere from 0.75 - 3 oz per plant. I flower 3-4 at a time with a PG180 on one side and a bank of PLLs on the other. I'm mostly organic and use 3 gal fabric pots. I suppose overall my gpw is poor, but I'm still hitting stuff from my very first harvest. Nothing for me to brag about, I'm just a guy on the internet.


Well-Known Member
I dont want to start no shit but i use general hydro nutes and have a 2000watt indoor ebb and flow unit i pack about 24 plants in a 2x4 tray maybe its 3x4 i dont know but i did my home work and on my first grow i got about 2 and half pounds of dank ass herb i vegged my plants for 6 weeks by the time they i was done sum of them were 6 footers had to pull them down so wouldnt grow into the light, I spent thousands on lights controllers co2 and all the good stuff , I really think it all depends on how long you vegg and keeping your ph right of course i was spending like 2 hours everyday makeing sure everything was all rite and keeping my res topped off


Active Member
I dont want to start no shit but i use general hydro nutes and have a 2000watt indoor ebb and flow unit i pack about 24 plants in a 2x4 tray maybe its 3x4 i dont know but i did my home work and on my first grow i got about 2 and half pounds of dank ass herb i vegged my plants for 6 weeks by the time they i was done sum of them were 6 footers had to pull them down so wouldnt grow into the light, I spent thousands on lights controllers co2 and all the good stuff , I really think it all depends on how long you vegg and keeping your ph right of course i was spending like 2 hours everyday makeing sure everything was all rite and keeping my res topped off[/QUO

Thats about .5+- gram a watt and very avg at best for most growers .
If you topped them all you may have had close to triple that ...... IMO

El Tiberon

Active Member
I once harvested 5 pounds in a 2 x 2 tent from just one plant grown in a solo cup. I used a 24 watt CFL and a picture of the sun taped to the ceiling.


Well-Known Member
Frustratics me to read and hear folks talk about yield per plant-------tells me nothing about dbw per watts of lighting effectiveness.

one gram per watt of flower lighting in 60 days is the only standard I use.

Example: 1000 watts in flower lighting 60 days ( 60 day finisher) is roughtly 36 ozs or 2.2 lbs

15 years of experience running water culture------anybody remember Weed Base?


Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I once harvested 5 pounds in a 2 x 2 tent from just one plant grown in a solo cup. I used a 24 watt CFL and a picture of the sun taped to the ceiling.
You should use the Gas Lantern picture routine, cover the picture up 12 uncovered, 5.5 covered, 1 uncovered, 5.5 covered and use nothing but urine for watering and you will get at least 10 pounds next time, My brothers friend does it and he makes like a million dollars a week.


Well-Known Member
Frustratics me to read and hear folks talk about yield per plant-------tells me nothing about dbw per watts of lighting effectiveness.
Important factors when figuring harvest:
-ounces per month in system
-ounces per square foot of space system occupies
-grams per watt

I feel that only with all three of these factors can you get a worthwhile assessment of a system and grower's effectiveness. There needs to be some form of alliance of growers who have a serious interest in contributing to grow research, because due to the inability to really fully "control" a grow (too many chaotic factors) it is very difficult to isolate variables, which leads to growers saying oh this ballast makes the difference, or such and such.... Due to this we have a huge amount of disputed information in the community, for instance people saying CO2 has no real effect on yield, or that soil outperforms hydro in indoor yield, etc.. Things which should be abundantly clear from jump, factors which should be mutually agreed upon as successful or antiquated.


Well-Known Member
Everybody has jokes cant no one ever be serious its ashame you cant say something without everybody not beleiveing youn e way heres your pics hater, dont beleive me


Well-Known Member
Important factors when figuring harvest:
-ounces per month in system
-ounces per square foot of space system occupies
-grams per watt

I feel that only with all three of these factors can you get a worthwhile assessment of a system and grower's effectiveness. There needs to be some form of alliance of growers who have a serious interest in contributing to grow research, because due to the inability to really fully "control" a grow (too many chaotic factors) it is very difficult to isolate variables, which leads to growers saying oh this ballast makes the difference, or such and such.... Due to this we have a huge amount of disputed information in the community, for instance people saying CO2 has no real effect on yield, or that soil outperforms hydro in indoor yield, etc.. Things which should be abundantly clear from jump, factors which should be mutually agreed upon as successful or antiquated.
I totally agree with everything u wrote. Sign me up.


Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Everybody has jokes cant no one ever be serious its ashame you cant say something without everybody not beleiveing youn e way heres your pics hater, dont beleive me
the joke is you are putting up big numbers on a post that asks "why do people lie?" Of course we think you are lying


Well-Known Member
Wow if two and half pounds are big numbers then what are you getting 2grams per plant and who gives a fuck what forum this is sorry i ant a computer geek like you as far as im concern i know whats good you dont pay rent in my head so eat a big one im done with you


Active Member
LOL--- Had to read that a few times to have it make sense...

IMO- 2.5 lbs for 24plants is a terrible disaster .. #justsaying
Its not a diss or anything but If it was me I would be very disappointed


Well-Known Member
Accutaly I did lie because I didnt think anybody would believe me if i said i got 4 pounds so i bumped it down and still nobody believed me, for first hydro grow ever in my life i think i did good its been like 5 years now that i havent had to buy weed the only thing is i got all this dank that i smoke with my friends and they love it but i cant tell them that i grew it so i come on here to try and show my pics and help noobs out and get asses telling me all kinds of bull shit and hateing i dont have any reason to lie it ant going to do nothing for me i dont have nothing to gain just tring to help