Do people from Scotland really say...?


Well-Known Member
I can see Inverness castle from my window (sheriffs court). I'm half buchanan, the lowlands. And half grant.

perfer the buchanan tartan ... more stylish.


Well-Known Member
I can't understand the scots. I've tried and worked with many, but honestly find it harder than other languages I've never heard of. I usually just nod my head and say yes and hope for the best.
had the same problem and used to do the nod thing as well, till one day, the guy i was nodding to said "well whats the fuckin time then" now i make out i'm a bit deaf
I'd say he's laying it on a bit thick for today's times. My grandma was from nw/hebrides Scotland, then as a young adult Glasgow- always had the hard A's in her brogue-taco, palm & aquamarine were hilarious to hear her say. But she & her brothers would say "Och aye" often & usually to me "stop being such a cheeky wee lass." but I don't recall hearing much "aye lass or laddie", even amongst themselves...although every so often they'd be hitting the brandy a good bit more than to 'warm their bones', their scots-gaelic would be spoken & the rest of us had not a damn clue wth was said.


Active Member
Just say to him "what is the muckin oot oh Gordies Byre" ie the cleaning of Georges cow shed.
Or "ehl tan you we a bucky bottle" ie i will smash this bottle of Buckfast over your head.
Or if it's shit or shite if it's shite well he's a Scot lol.


Well-Known Member
When I went to Scotland the taxi driver said I should hit the pubs and use my American accent, that it was a huge advantage over there. So it works both ways apparently. It's funny an english accent here in America is not a plus in my opinion. I cant stand that CNN bitch whats his name. Especially calling for a gun ban when he isnt even from here. Fucking loyalist piece of shit.


Global Moderator
Staff member
hello good sir where abouts on scotland are you? Im from the highlands myself and I am struggling to get my hands on any quality marijuana and due to certain circumstances I am unable to grow at present. Anywho if you were to have some spare I would be happy to come to some arrangement if you were willing to part with some.
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Active Member
They say a true Scotsman wears nothing on under his kilt. But HO, there is a problem.

ALWAYS wear underwear under a kilt, I'm Scottish and I'm telling you.

My sister got married recently, and I was a proper Scotsman. Sat on her knee for a photo, stood up, left a skidmark.