• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid


Well-Known Member
but wait.. I'm still not quite sure. If weed is legalised(English spelling before I get a *Facepalm*) all the money spent on it just disappears? So nobody would make any money from pot anymore? Same way that nobody makes any money from beer... oh no wait.

Your argument is pointless and invalid.

Whos this guy talking to? LOL.


Active Member
Everything that you say about legalization of marijuana is false. Legalization of marijuana will actually lead to MORE jobs AND less people being thrown in jail. In your argument, which I find ill informed, you state that 90% of money created in the United States comes from the marijuana industry. This is wrong, there is no way that this could be true since most of our economy in some way shape and form is actually fueled by the major corporations. Unless Ford is creating cars that run on hemp, there is no way that this company is profiting from the sale of marijuana to support these claims.

If you imagine a small town in America, one which has mostly American made cars you will see that 99% of those people do not acquire their income from the Black Market. This hypothetical town can be seen as a representation for the rest of America in terms of what they buy and where the money goes to and circulates in the rest of the economy. Now take your drug dealers in the economy, some of them might acquire their product by growing it themselves. While this might be a few people, it will be a minority of people. Most of the dealers will acquire their product from a larger distributer. This weed will most likely come from Mexican drug cartels, or some other gang affiliated entity. Most of the time the money that they acquire does not go back in the economy, it usually get stashed away, where it will later be used to fund other CRIMINAL enterprises.

If you legalize weed, you will allow for job creation through means of creating places such as coffee shops where weed can be purchased, creating a industry for hemp, allowing breeders to be open about their trade. Other side business will also be created, shops which only sell awesome baked cannafood. What makes you think that these people who would sell weed would not put the money back into the economy. Most of these people have kids, homes, cars, and all of the other things that normal people have and want. They will also be able to be more open about their income, which means that would be able to buy what ever they want without giving the DEA a reason to throw them in jail. Decriminalization does not allow for ANY of these things. It means that people can have a small amount for personal use, but they will STILL GET ARRESTED FOR SELLING AND GROWING. Which still assures that people are getting sent to jail over a plant. Legalization basically means that I have the right to do what I want with the plant, and NO ONE can tell me other wise.

Even Amsterdam is having problems with their policies where you can sell it, but it is still illegal to grow it. Which is counterintuitive since that means that black market still has control over the industry. This keeps prices up since you are still taking a risk in selling the product. I do not understand why you would be for decriminalization, you would still be able to get arrested for weed, if it is above a certain amount.

Calling people stupid when you do not understand the issue your self makes you seem ignorant. I have seen The Union, read on this issue, and have debated many times with people on it. The Union was created to explain the on the Black Market marijuana industry is run, no where in documentary did it ever state that America was run on weed. You must have been to high to actually understand it.
That's what i'm saying! Legalize that shit! =D


Well-Known Member
I think the prices would stay the same actually. The Fake Legal weed cost about as much as an equal wait in shwag, and 5 times as nasty...If business owners know they can get $200 oz, guess what they'll charge... $199.99/oz...legal mass production isn't about saving us money, it will be about making corporations money like they do on everything else, including water!


Well-Known Member
that might explain why SOME growers are against it. it does not explain why ALL growers are against it.

are you willing to be taxed 100+% on an ounce of pot. because you will be if the prices drop to those numbers. people will stop growing. more people will end up going to legal clubs. clubs have "overhead". do you think they will lower their prices?

lower ounce prices mean LESS sales tax as well. how does that help the state?

this bill is a TRAP!!!!!!! :cuss:
I am still not completely sure if I am for or against the bill. I'm a registered independent, I probably won't make up my mind until I have a pen in my hand and in the voting booth.

If the prices drop to $38 an ounce and a customer had to choose between paying 100% taxes on that, let's say we round that up to $100/oz as opposed to paying $200+/oz like we do now, I would say that customer is a fucking moron for voting against Prop 19.

I like things the way they are now, but I know a lot of people who will start smoking if they legalize it and I would hate to see them miss out on something that is so good just because of some stupid law that could throw them in jail if they do


Active Member
I agree with baja last post mostly ...

My thing is if this new bill passes (i live in Cali right now) the bill state says that you can only posses an ounce and have a growing space of 25 square feet ...that's down fromthe current 1/2 possession and 64 square feet.

To me....it would be hard to make donations to collectives in order to offset costs. I don't think we should be charged at all for a plant.

A 5X5 area is too small to maintain your own self sufficient garden IMO....it is already VERY easy enuff to get a medical card here as MJ cures many ailments....so it IS already legal!!

BTW I wuz jus posting on another one type of this thread....I forgot the section, tho. The dude posted the exact bill on the thread...I dunno, try looking at my recent posts or wutever to find.........


Well-Known Member
i say that even if we got 2 square feet it would still be a step in the right direction.. we will just have to compromise for a while until things settle down to real fair trade - like after alcohol prohibition the brewers were only allowed to make a certain amount and potency of booze - then the restrictions eased off slowly.. the same goes for the heavy tax - i can see it being necessary for tobacco to relieve health costs - but, when people see that an oz is only worth $40 and they are paying double or more i think that the demand will change and the tax will go down to fit the legitimate value of the product..
NO, Vote yes for prop 19 to leaglize and regulate. because it should be free for everyone to enjoy leaglly. so wat if the people who sell weed now cant make money on it anymore. there will always be ways to make money, but think of all the lives that the laws against mary have ruined. now i know when i smoked it, i never thought it shoulda been illeagle in the first place so im voting for it to be legal. really more along the lines of voting against discrimination. if mary becomes legal, employers wont be able to discriminate against the people who enjoy her love.


Active Member
What are you ppl not understanding?????


you go to a doctor, tell him about your migranes, lack of sleep, depression, muscle pain, wutever....and he gives you a recommendation.....

What this bill does is lower our growing, consumption, and carrying laws...it even states in the bill that you can ONLY smoke in private residences and places....that's no different than it is NOW.....so if you think you can jus light up while walking down the street, YOUR WRONG

n e ways....


P.s. The step in the right direction was made 14 years ago....now is the time when government starts to scale back on our involvement towards their own agenda--OUR MONEY

wake up you sleepy stoners.


Well-Known Member
Thats just crazy to vote no. My own personal opinion is the only people voting no would be the old timers who still think of weed the way they portray it in Reefer Madness and the guys who grow it only to make money. There will still be a demand for weed cause not everyone can grow it because of they might have kids or what not, but you might not be able to get the ridiculous prices you think you should get. Go get a real job and grow your own for yourself and puff in peace.


Active Member

Read the exact bill to find out why we are voting NO

Therein lies the real answers...this bill is a step towards limiting ppl and controlling their buying power THRU the government.


Well-Known Member
yea...ummm... I live in tx, so no, its not legal... AT ALL...no rx, they don't care, so if they had a bill to at least legalize its medical use here, I would vote yes in a heartbeat, but as far as cali is concerned, if you live there you should take a long hard look at the bill and find out EXACTLY what it is your gaining and what it is your losing, because the people pitching the bill are only going to tell you what they want you to hear...

though honestly, it may all be a trick period. what will happen if its legalized? governments will have lists of people that smoke, like they have list of people that own guns, hell I hear I'm even supposed to be on a govt watch list just because I'm an eagle scout! . So honestly, if it does get legalized, I'll probably continue as I am, growing as much as I want and keeping my mouth shut about it, I'm sure I'm on enough of those cursed list to begin with...

Conclusion: the govt really is your enemy. Don't trust your enemy, and never take what he gives you.
Decriminalization is definetely better than legalization. If it were legalized, so many dealers would go out of buisness, especially once walmart started selling.


I dont quite follow how legalizing marijuana in the united states could lead to chaos; I guess Im just not high enough to get that one. But if marijuana was legal and was sold in stores that would mean the government would be able to tax it. With the billions of dollers the government would make on taxing marijuana (not to mention the money they would save DEA labor) The United States might have a chance at eliminating our national debt. Vote for leagalization!


Well-Known Member
the anti's want us to hear them say that there will be chaos with tons of new smokers - then when sales are happening they will come in with cameras and try to say 'i told you so' because it looks like tons of people are smoking..


Active Member
Limits :

Reduce possession limit from 1/2 pound (current state minimum, sum counties more) to 1 ounce.
Also reduce garden canopy from 64 square feet to 25 square feet.


Well-Known Member
Everything that you say about legalization of marijuana is false. Legalization of marijuana will actually lead to MORE jobs AND less people being thrown in jail. In your argument, which I find ill informed, you state that 90% of money created in the United States comes from the marijuana industry. This is wrong, there is no way that this could be true since most of our economy in some way shape and form is actually fueled by the major corporations. Unless Ford is creating cars that run on hemp, there is no way that this company is profiting from the sale of marijuana to support these claims.

If you imagine a small town in America, one which has mostly American made cars you will see that 99% of those people do not acquire their income from the Black Market. This hypothetical town can be seen as a representation for the rest of America in terms of what they buy and where the money goes to and circulates in the rest of the economy. Now take your drug dealers in the economy, some of them might acquire their product by growing it themselves. While this might be a few people, it will be a minority of people. Most of the dealers will acquire their product from a larger distributer. This weed will most likely come from Mexican drug cartels, or some other gang affiliated entity. Most of the time the money that they acquire does not go back in the economy, it usually get stashed away, where it will later be used to fund other CRIMINAL enterprises.

If you legalize weed, you will allow for job creation through means of creating places such as coffee shops where weed can be purchased, creating a industry for hemp, allowing breeders to be open about their trade. Other side business will also be created, shops which only sell awesome baked cannafood. What makes you think that these people who would sell weed would not put the money back into the economy. Most of these people have kids, homes, cars, and all of the other things that normal people have and want. They will also be able to be more open about their income, which means that would be able to buy what ever they want without giving the DEA a reason to throw them in jail. Decriminalization does not allow for ANY of these things. It means that people can have a small amount for personal use, but they will STILL GET ARRESTED FOR SELLING AND GROWING. Which still assures that people are getting sent to jail over a plant. Legalization basically means that I have the right to do what I want with the plant, and NO ONE can tell me other wise.

Even Amsterdam is having problems with their policies where you can sell it, but it is still illegal to grow it. Which is counterintuitive since that means that black market still has control over the industry. This keeps prices up since you are still taking a risk in selling the product. I do not understand why you would be for decriminalization, you would still be able to get arrested for weed, if it is above a certain amount.

Calling people stupid when you do not understand the issue your self makes you seem ignorant. I have seen The Union, read on this issue, and have debated many times with people on it. The Union was created to explain the on the Black Market marijuana industry is run, no where in documentary did it ever state that America was run on weed. You must have been to high to actually understand it.
:clap: I couldn't of said it better myself.