They say they are....................Last email I sent was this A.M. I was PISSED...........been cool about it for 2 weeks.
Get on their site..........NO PLACE I SEE to leave email............only ASK A I started asking questions
NO RESPONSE...............NOT UNTIL I become a member of their little board, and POST UP about not getting my order.......
WELL...........2 hours after posting on their little site, I get n email back..................CHASTISING ME!!!!!! For being "angry"........
Dude tells me to buy seeds from other places...............In my last email I told them I had ordered from 5 different places,
had NO TROUBLE except with FIRESTAX!!! He says "you should buy from the other 5 places from now on"
I swear...........i kept that email, lol.!!!!
I ask why no response to 6 emails sent in the course of 2 weeks. He says"never got them"......MY ASS!!!! Because my CC denied the damn charge
and I had to call them to approve it, we corresponded through HIS email addy at Firestax. HIS ADDY!! I sent all 6 emails to that addy.
Same addy he finally answered me back on.
No saying I"m sorry for fubaring your order...............Im sorry for NOT getting a tracking number(i paid for) or for NOT answering your emails, or the questions on their board,
but telling me I have an anger problem................HE IS AN ANGEL.....does NOT sell beans for $$$, but for pleasure(right) and HAS NEVER SCREWED ANYONE!!!! read between the lines............ I COULD have fallen in the crack..............COULD HAVE......................
Tells me he sent another order today.............YET, when I look on his site, THE BEANS i ordered show NO STOCK , and HAVE SINCE THE DAY I BOUGHT THEM!!!!
He then tells me that because of the CC snafu, he did it "out of the norm" and it got sent later............
Said he tried to find a tracking number but could not. Tells me the original order will most likely show up this weekend, and then I WILL HAVE 2 ORDERS!!!
Like I'm trying to get over on him...................................

I can gift the 2nd order to someone...............
Do I think they screwed me on purpose???? NO, I do not. Do I think THEY ARE A MICKEY MOUSE outfit that botched my order.............YES!!!!
Will I EVER buy from them again...............whether I get 1 order or both orders...........................NO CHANCE!!!!!
Good luck......................BTW.............MY luck is usually VERY GOOD..............usually LIKE doing business w/people.............this was a pain all the way around!!!!!