• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Do not smoke marijuana in excess, It can cause cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome


Well-Known Member
I have exactly the same issue the op described, I cant eat until atleast like 4hrs awake, I used to puke and overall feel like shit until I smoked or quite a few hours went by... I havent read most of the posts on this thread but I have exactly the same issue hes saying and I need insight o.o
Hi Silicity,

Could you share a few more of your symptoms. I am currently trying to speak to people who have been diagnosed or actually believe they suffer from Cannabis Hyperemesis so it would be really helpful.

When you say you cant eat for 4 hours after you've woke up, are you being sick or feeling nauseous? Is it a daily thing, as in your feel better as the day goes on?

Thanks, I may have more depending on your answers if thats ok but I will leave it there for now.

TBH I still havent spoken to anyone who has Cannabis Hyperemesis who wants to elaborate on their symptoms so you will struggle to get an insight mores the pity. Most people just say stop smoking and ofcourse that is the first thing I would try because life is too short living it in pain....however keep an open mind still and dont rule out other causes. Cannabis is smoked by millions around the world and I believe even if it effected 0.01% of weed smokers that is plenty enough to have shown itself before now!

I forgot to ask, are you a daily smoker? Have you tried cutting down?

Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is a disorder that is characterized by recurrent nausea, vomiting and colicky abdominal pain. These symptoms have been reported to be alleviated temporarily by taking a hot shower or bath or more permanently by abstaining from the use of cannabis. The syndrome is recognized by Allen and colleagues (2004), and Sontineni and colleagues (2009) who offer simplified clinical diagnostic criteria.While there have been anecdotal testimonies to the veracity of this condition, caution should be exercised concerning this medical evidence due to small numbers of patients studied. However, a subsequent study reporting the clinical features of Cannabinoid hyperemesis in 98 subjects has confirmed the earlier reported findings.
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is a disorder that is characterized by recurrent nausea, vomiting and colicky abdominal pain. These symptoms have been reported to be alleviated temporarily by taking a hot shower or bath or more permanently by abstaining from the use of cannabis. The syndrome is recognized by Allen and colleagues (2004), and Sontineni and colleagues (2009) who offer simplified clinical diagnostic criteria.While there have been anecdotal testimonies to the veracity of this condition, caution should be exercised concerning this medical evidence due to small numbers of patients studied. However, a subsequent study reporting the clinical features of Cannabinoid hyperemesis in 98 subjects has confirmed the earlier reported findings.
Thanks very much for your deep insight.............oh no wait, youve copied and pasted something! Come back when you have scrutinised Allen et Al so called studies and we can continue this discussion then! Gowd I hate it when people copy and paste like its FACT :clap:


Active Member
I used to smoke atleast three blunts a day until I saw this post two weeks ago. now I smoke a top of two and haven't felt sick to my stomach since I cut back.


Well-Known Member
Sounds alot like being Lactarded (lactose intolerant) Think this could be result of allergy to bud instead of a disease? Oh wait that wouldn't help keep it illegal. Seems very limited so I would think its on a per person thing and not common at all or else were all fucked


Well-Known Member
I have been plagued by gi problems for the past couple years. I went to the er at least 5 times. The doctors ran every test in the book, and couldn't find anything wrong with me. It turns out i went to the er yesterday with the same problem. They ran every test, and couldn't find anything. The doctor then came in and asked me if i smoked marijuana. I told the doctor i smoke marijuana frequently. The doctor told me that in the states where marijuana is legalized for medical use, more people are getting diagnosed with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, which is what i was diagnosed with. The symptoms are generally being sick in the morning such as throwing up and abdominal pain. The symptoms usually come in cycles. The theory is that chronic, heavy smokers build up a toxic level of cannabinoids. Has anyone heard of this?
That sounds like bs to me just another way scare people out of something that is better for you than what the dr. Will give you


Well-Known Member
i could be lucky but ive smoked 11 years nearly (10.5 yrs) and a good 5-6 of those yrs has been daily smoking. i grow my own buds so i smoke much more than the avg "stoner" that doesnt grow. i use 2 have to buy my buds on the street in the beginning so i could only manage an no more than 8th-1/4oz a week. (i started as a kid) and only could smoke about once per day or twice on a good day

once i started growing a half a week was nothing.

so ive been a heavy user for the past 5 yrs or so. smoking a minimum of twice a day but 4-5 is more likely.

i have no health issues that im aware of beyond some insomnia but thats brought on by stress and me only having sativa buds in my jars at the moment. lol.

but my weight is ok (technically im slightly over the "normal" range in BMI but ive been lifting more weights recently so im not worried about it)..

no G.I. issues.
no other known health issues.

it could easily be something else thats causing this...like fast food/greasy food. i try to avoid fast food when possible...bcuz its just plain not good for you. cut down on processed foods if possible. its impossible to me it seems like so i manage best i can and try to eat as close to the source of the ingredients as possible. drink 100% juice as well. take vitamins.

i have a hard time believing its marijuana doing that to you. i use to have really bad G.I. issues and stomach pains as a kid. like so bad i missed school to the point the principal called and told my family if i miss X amount of days more i wont be able to go to the next grade!

eventually i started smoking marijuana and BOOM. problems are all gone.


Well-Known Member
Idk, I feel nauseous when I wake up, I hold it back most of the time, I get random abdominal pains that hurt like hell, yes a shower does help lol, idk it might be my gallbladder also


New Member
CVS Sufferer,

While I have not been diagnosed with CHS, I have been suffering from recurring nausea and vomiting for 3 years that, in the last few months, has become a nearly weekly occurrence. I have been hospitalized for it twice since February 2013. Up until about 5 days ago, I smoked roughly 3 grams of quality bud per day for the past 8 years. I am 26 years old, male, and have no health problems aside from this.

As far as symptoms are concerned, they began about 3 years ago when I would wake up feeling nauseated. Shortly after the nausea started, I'd vomit once and (after smoking) I would feel better. This continued off and on without me giving it much thought until February of this year, when I was floored by intractable vomiting for about 48 hours. I couldn't keep anything down (not even water), and the only time I felt like I didn't want to die was when I was in a hot shower. When the vomiting and nausea finally relented after that first episode, I chalked the experience up to acute gastroenteritis. However, about three days later, I woke up feeling nauseated. I went to work as usual, but by noon I was throwing up unstoppably again and had to go home. By the time evening came around, I could eat light food like white rice and slept. But as soon as I awoke the next morning, I had the same stomach pains and nausea. Again I went to work and again the unstoppable vomiting kicked in right around midday. The only thing that brought relief was a hot shower or bath. So long as I was under hot water, I felt alright.

This process went on for a few weeks until I finally said "screw it" and went to an urgent care clinic. I was referred to a gastroenterologist and had just about every test you can think of relating to the GI tract (CT scans, xrays, EGDs, barium swallows -- you name it). Absolutely nothing wrong (minus a wonderfully obvious hiatal hernia from the constant vomiting). Great blood work, no known allergies, perfect vitals -- I was and am perfectly fine minus the nausea and vomiting (well, and I am now severely underweight for my height). So I continued smoking and stuck to a very light diet, and also began taking Prilosec daily. After a week or so of no symptoms, I thought my problems were cured. But I ended up in the hospital over Easter weekend after 3 days of vomiting and being unable to keep anything down. While there, my WBC spiked and the attending nurse practitioner put me on two antibiotics (CIPRO and flagyl). My symptoms seemed to improve and, once I finished the antibiotics, I thought all was well. Until the same damned thing happened again about a week later.

My last episode of vomiting began last Friday evening and last well into Saturday morning. After getting some sleep, I again researched my symptoms for the thousandth time and I again found no explanation. Until I added 'hot showers' to the list. That did the trick and my search results were immediately flooded with a new answer: CHS. My immediate thought was BS. I mean, how could a known antiemitc cause hyperemesis? That makes no sense. But the more I read into the published medical journals and case studies, the more I think I have my answer. My symptoms match up almost identically to the Simonetto/Mayo Clinic case study. Unlike CVS, I have no history of migranes, no fever or diarrhea during episodes, and absolutely no issues with nausea as a child. (Up until three years ago, I could count the number of times I had thrown up on two hands.) On top of this, I am not triggered by any specific foods, nor is there a discernable pattern to the vomiting episodes.

At this point, I have been completely abstinent from ze herb for 5 days and I have already noticed improvement. Although I, too, was skeptical about CHS at first, I just do not know what else could be causing the problem. Although I absolutely love to get high, at my current weight/height (I am 6'1" and 129lbs now) I am quickly running out of options. If I can't find a solution to this problem soon, it will literally kill me. And I'll be damned if I gonna become the first known death directly related to marijuana consumption.

So if you're still around reading this (or if any other posters with similar diagnoses or symptoms are either), I would love your opinion. Also, I am happy to answer any questions about it y'all have. Fire away. At this point, I feel like I probably know more about CHS than most doctors. I have read and digested every published article and case study on the topic at this point (and since I have access to the pay-to-view articles through family in the medical field, I've done a LOT of reading on the subject).


New Member
Don't fall for the BS. Before my current issues I was diagnosed with G.U.R.D. and was on 4 different scripts. I currently am ingesting and vaping all of 5 zips a month now, its over a year now and I am no longer taking any pills nor do I have anymore issues. The only issue I have is I can eat anything now and man...I have been! Maybe try capsules of crushed cannabis, I use 00 size caps filled with primo bud(coffee grinder), no decarb. I take 15 a day now but started with just 2. It worked for me


Well-Known Member
hmmm honestly i dont even know what to make of this thread/issues i can probly guarantee alot of people smoke more than you with no effects,back in college and my younger days i smoked up to 6ozs a week now im steady at 2-3ozs sometimes a qp like christmas time. sooo i know of people besides myself who smoke up to an oz a day, serious pot heads and weve never had any issues.


Well-Known Member
Pot has done nothing but help all my gastrointestinal issues, which I've also ended up in the hospital several times and was on several prescribed narcotics (belladonna phenobarbitol, xanex ,various pain killers, morphine tabs, hydrocodone etc) so on. With pot and a strict diet im slowly getting better without being a drugged waste of space to my wife... edibles,oils and vaping i rarely smoke herb. I deal with pain on a daily basis by using as much as i need which is quite a bit and I am starting to function like a normal human being again because there is 100s of strains you can try for your symptoms and find relief that fits your needs and when you find one you can grow it..I really dont believe this crap~

Shot of one of my surgeries =p


Last grow TCC- OSD


New Member
No need to be an asshole. I'm certainly not full of shit, nor am I on here lying or trying to make pot look evil/bad. I fucking love pot. Love, love, love it. But I'm still clean since my last post and I'm feeling better everyday. Once I've detoxes for a few months, I'll go right back to smoking, but I'll certainly be doing it less frequently. I don't care how great pot is, nothing's worth being this sick. Especially a fucking buzz.

Out of all of the studies I've read, this is the most thorough. If you can actually read and understand medical journals and research, you'll be able to find every major study on CHS linked in this article.

This is a 98-patient case study published by the Mayo Clinic. Maybe you've heard of them?


New Member


Well-Known Member
well i dont know anyone who would believe this. nobody i or anyone i know has ever experienced this or heard of these symptoms being associated with weed..but thats because these studies discovered this in '05? people have been smoking hash for ever and nobody has ever reported any side effects. especially with such a small amount..every highschooler/college kid has smoked weed, if people started puking everywhere people would talk about it, there are no real side effects. especially at such a low dosage. you just have issues, most likely not associated with weed.lol i can see the headlines now, chronic marijuana use makes you take hot showers! haha.


New Member
I'd say the reason nobody associates this with weed is that it seems like weed would be the last cause of vomiting. One of its best medical uses is as an anti-nauseal. I spent years not associating it with weed. Just because you don't THINK it's associated doesn't mean that it isn't, though.

So, riddle me this: if this is all in my head and these doctors just made it up, why did I only get sicker with more use (I ramped up my smoking to combat the symptoms), and why am I getting better now that I'm clean? It seems to me that people will argue against anything they don't want to hear simply because they don't want to hear it. It's time to face the music: chronic, frequent marijuana use can have negative consequences (aside from the obvious lung problems).

Like I said in my other thread, though: I'm not saying this will happen to everyone. Clearly, this isn't that common of an occurrence. But that doesn't mean that weed isn't the cause. It just means that (thankfully) it doesn't happen to everyone. I'm not here to make pot seem bad. I love the stuff. I'm just here to help others understand what they might be going through if they have the same symptoms.

PS- You'll also note that I didn't start this thread. And the OP isn't the only person who has this problem either. So you now know of at least three people who developed CHS (or CHS-like symptoms). Our common denominator is that we all smoke chronically for years. Why shouldn't weed be considered a possible cause?