Do Not Plant Seeds You Receive In The Mail

Again might be part of Trump's plan to cause shit with China, he wants to win or steal the election, shit like this is often part of it. Caution people with some text explaining this.

unsolicited from china? i'm surprised people haven't popped them in the ground already that's how fvckin stupid americans are. that lady interviewed never even called anyone when she got the package..russia will love this.
Trump may be an arsehole ...... but he's not Hillary.
And it is a bummer, becase we could really use someone who knows what they are doing and doesn't just tweet conspiracy theories, stir up hate, and has his bumbling criminal cultists assigned to very important jobs we as Americans need done well.

The Republicans would have impeached her I don't doubt for some made up offense (Benghazi/Email scams they pushed for years leading up to 2016 that the Russians sold to Trump's cult might have done it), but we will never know since Trump cheated just enough to win the electoral college. But our economy (and the rest of the worlds) and every other aspect of our society would have been far better off today.
She's living in some people's minds, rent free still.
Grow up.
A product of decades of brainwashing, the same for the word liberal, it means someone who believes in liberty through representative government reflecting the will of the people, while constrained by the constitution. When someone calls you a libertard they are calling you a patriot, liberalism is not about economic ideology, it is about human rights and equality for all.

So don't mind if I call ya a libertard! Call me one whenever ya like, I always take it as a compliment and it lets me know who and what I'm dealing with. Brain washing, works like the force on the weak minded, the force is strong with the orange one, though his mind is weak too.

Brainwashing is a form of conditioning, tell a lie, even a big one and repeat it enough and people become subconsciously conditioned and biased. A cascade effect happens as confirmation bias sets in and we tend to believe the first thing we hear and discount subsequent information.
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Im glad I haven't ordered seeds online (reg garden/wildflower) for a while.

Crazy story. It is hard to think of it as anything but a shitty thing to do. I really hope someone in the the dept of agriculture is cataloging what the types of plants are and identifies them to the public so someone else can think through how those plants might have spread through our environment and what it might have meant to the native plants/wildlife.

Because otherwise nobody would really be able to tell if it was an actual attack or just some Epoch Times level troll. It would be easy to have someone over there to send them to some MAGA folks to freak them out and it just be some random lettuce and radishes sent out. Hell it could even be something as stupid as some farmer is making a statement about how we should stop thinking of our yards as doormats and use them to grow a lot of our own food.

lol so weird though it is hard but not think of it as a negative.
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He was concerned about the ratings in that slot
He was concerned about the ratings in that slot
Donald must not be enjoying his coverage on TV, never in the field of politics has a man creature been called a moron by so many. It is ironic for someone who tried to hide and compensate for his low intelligence and IQ of 78, to be so publicly exposed for what he is, a stupid piece of shit. It must torment him to be called stupid and if you were ever to call him a moron to his face in public and people laughed, Donald would go ape shit.

There will be no debate, it would be like him challenging George Washington to a fucking duel, George would run him through in a heartbeat, but Donald would run away with his pants full. There will also be no transition (they missed dates already) to help the new government cope with the multiple crises, they would have to explain themselves and all the rats will run away after election day. You only have one president at a time, but the post is vacant now, so Joe might as well start using his power right after election day. Joe is already the most powerful man in America right now, Donald gave him that power too. If Joe warned Donald's secret police he will identify, fire and charge the lot of them, it would sow chaos in their ranks as jobs, jail sentences, civil suits and pensions are on the line. Joe would just have to say the word and he would ruin Bill Barr's day and Donald plan to goon up the election will evaporate, likewise he could set the country on fire as well, but would not.