Do not cut the leaves or make very little hash?


Active Member
Hey, i've read much on trimming the buds. Seems like most people cut all the resin covered leaves and leave only the pure bud for a better smoke, and then make hash out of the leaves. The problem is i have only one plant and if i use the cuttings to make hash it will be way to little so maybe its not worth it. But i don't want to waste all the resin on the leaves. Should i not cut the leaves or should i try to make a very little amount of hash?

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Just leave the leaves in a bowl for a few days, then stick them into a bag and freeze them...add to it every harvest then after a few plants (Im GUESSING 6- 8 you can make hash with them


Active Member
for how long can I store the leaves without losing it's potency? Maybe I'll add a bit of leaves in every joint instead.


Active Member
for how long can I store the leaves without losing it's potency? Maybe I'll add a bit of leaves in every joint instead.:joint: