Do NOT buy from


Active Member
Without going into details (because I don't believe my blood pressure could bear it), Futuregarden is the worst experience I've ever had buying ANYTHING online.

The broad strokes: shipped units incomplete with extremely poor documentation, twice they ignored my online request for parts (I respected their request to use their form email rather than calling, as it keeps their costs down), I called got no answer... left a voicemail which was promptly... ignored, called their non-800 number, got a very nice kid on the phone who didn't quite know what the hell was going on but at least was trying to be helpful. Somehow over the course of a week, calling nearly every day, I was still getting no email with the goddamn return label... finally I get this bitch on the phone who tells me that their "outlook is down" and that there's no way for her to get a return label to me aside from fax and mail, and insinuates that this is my fault for not having a fucking ancient fax machine. She says she'll mail it to me. I insinuate to her that, based upon my past experience, its is hard to believe that the mailing will actually happen. She tells me I have no faith in people. To that bitch's credit, the mail actually comes. Halle-fucking-lujah.

Now, according to UPS tracking, the package got there a week ago. I called today and got that same bitch on the phone. I ask when I can expect the credit to my card. She tells me she needs to look in the back for it and puts me on hold for several minutes. She comes back and says "yeah, there's some stuff back there." Yes, imbecile I know that. You fucks signed for it a week ago. She avoids answering my initial question and says that "even if she goes through the stuff right now, it'll still be two days before the credit." So I reply, "So... in two days I should expect it?" She reluctantly agrees.

Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I keep you all posted.


Active Member
Yea fuck those tards

I woulda told that bitch to suck my nuts I want my money bitch

And then I woulda been like, "give me your manager bitch" and then I woulda told that tards to go fuck itself


If they don't give the refund you can allways dispute the charge, the way things are going these days your credit card co. would probably jump at the chance to void the sale.


Active Member
Yea fuck those tards

I woulda told that bitch to suck my nuts I want my money bitch

And then I woulda been like, "give me your manager bitch" and then I woulda told that tards to go fuck itself
The sad thing is, verbal clues lead me to believe that that bitch -is- the manager or, maybe worse, the owner.


Well-Known Member
Yea fuck those tards

I woulda told that bitch to suck my nuts I want my money bitch

And then I woulda been like, "give me your manager bitch" and then I woulda told that tards to go fuck itself
Wow, still laughing at that one :lol:


Well-Known Member
This is tom of futuregarden, look man you wanna bitch and moan about stuff? Well that bitch you reffered to was my little sister. You wanna play games? OK, well say hello to my little friend, ahhhhhhhh.


Active Member
This is tom of futuregarden, look man you wanna bitch and moan about stuff? Well that bitch you reffered to was my little sister. You wanna play games? OK, well say hello to my little friend, ahhhhhhhh.
Your lil sis is either a 45 year old lifetime smoker or a 30 year old hooker by the sounds of her voice.


Active Member
Anyone else have any problems with Futuregarden?

One persons nightmare dosent make a place bad. But a bunch of people having the same problems does.... Anyone else outthere having these same problems?

Thanks for the lookout hope your problems get fixed


Active Member
Anyone else have any problems with Futuregarden?

One persons nightmare dosent make a place bad. But a bunch of people having the same problems does.... Anyone else outthere having these same problems?

Thanks for the lookout hope your problems get fixed
To my amazement, the credit posted to my account today.

And for the shipping charges, restocking fees and whatever else, I'm only out $105.

This matter is closed.


Well-Known Member
This is tom of futuregarden, look man you wanna bitch and moan about stuff? Well that bitch you reffered to was my little sister. You wanna play games? OK, well say hello to my little friend, ahhhhhhhh.
Real class act! Businesses who act so irresponsibly with there clients go broke soon enough. It's is just a shame that we'll still have to support you with our taxes while your in the welfare line.